< Cream Cups   San Fernando Valley Spineflower >

Thumbnail Picture of Matilija Poppy

Matilija Poppy

Romneya coulteri

Family: Papaveraceae (POPPY).
Other common names: Coulter's matilija poppy.
Generic common name: MATILIJA POPPY.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: near Cistern Trail, chaparral, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Large, Solitary, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2.

Detailed Picture 1 of Matilija Poppy

Detailed Picture 2 of Matilija Poppy

Detailed Picture 3 of Matilija Poppy

Detailed Picture 4 of Matilija Poppy

Detailed Picture 5 of Matilija Poppy

Detailed Picture 6 of Matilija Poppy

< Cream Cups   San Fernando Valley Spineflower >
