This WildFlower web site was created by volunteers of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Over the years many volunteers have participated and donated thousands of hours to this project. We also want to gratefully acknowledge the guidance and assistance of the staff of the Santa Monica Mountains N R A. Finally, the non-profit organization Santa Monica Mountains Fund has been a long-time supporter of this project, and we remain deeply in their debt. Some of the volunteers of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area remain active on this project, and we will assist you in any way we can. We want you to enjoy this app as much as we have enjoyed creating it.
Recently, we've been finding more and more of the picture content of this web site on the Internet. For this we are grateful as it means this site is both being visited and is of use to the public. It is however, disconcerting to see little or no credit given to the owner of this site, the National Park Service. Please feel free to use the picture content of this site as it has been given into the "Public Domain," but courtesy would suggest crediting at least the Santa Monica Mountains NRA, and perhaps the photographer of the pictures as well. Note: the SMM NRA is a unit of the National Park Service, US Department of the Interior.
If you use this work, we would be grateful if you sent us an email letting us know.
Finally, some of the material on this web site, specifically the A N F content, including the detailed Text Descriptions, Introduction, Glossary, and Keys, were created by Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson. This is copyrighted material and its use is controlled by those authors.