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268 plants found

Family Aizoaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Baby Sun-rose *
Aptenia cordifolia

Family: Aizoaceae (FIG-MARIGOLD).
Other common names: ice plant.
Generic common name: APTENIA.

Location: Malibu Lagoon State Beach: disturbed area near landscaping, Sept 2008.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

A cultivated species occasionally escaped near landscaping.

Thumbnail Picture of Aptenia cordifolia


Heartleaf Iceplant *
Aptenia cordifolia × A. haeckeliana

Family: Aizoaceae (FIG-MARIGOLD).
Other common names: baby sun-rose, red apple, Platythyra, dew plant.
Generic common name: APTENIA.

Location: Urban landscaping in Thousand Oaks.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

A cultivated species occasionally escaped near landscaping.

Thumbnail Picture of Aptenia cordifolia × A. haeckeliana


Sea Fig *
Carpobrotus chilensis

Family: Aizoaceae (FIG-MARIGOLD).
Generic common name: FIG-MARIGOLD, CARPOBROTUS.

Location: Coastal strand, April 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Carpobrotus chilensis hybridizes with C. edulis and the plants shown here likely contains at least some C. edulis.

Thumbnail Picture of Carpobrotus chilensis


Hottentot Fig *
Carpobrotus edulis

Family: Aizoaceae (FIG-MARIGOLD).
Other common names: sea fig, iceplant.
Generic common name: FIG-MARIGOLD, CARPOBROTUS.

Location: Leo Carrillo State Park: coastal strand, September 2007.

Characteristics: non-Native, Yellow, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Carpobrotus edulis


Coastal Galenia *
Galenia pubescens

TJM1: Not Listed.
TJM2: Not Listed.

Family: Aizoaceae (FIG-MARIGOLD).
Generic common name: GALENIA.

Location: Topanga State Park: Eagle Springs Fire Road, chaparral, March 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Thumbnail Picture of Galenia pubescens


Coppery Mesemb *
Malephora crocea

Family: Aizoaceae (FIG-MARIGOLD).
Other common names: coppery mesembryanthemum, crocea iceplant.
Generic common name: MALEPHORA.

Location: County Line Beach: coastal strand, September 2007.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Thumbnail Picture of Malephora crocea

Family Alliaceae (Magnoliopsida | Lilianae | Asparagales)


Red-skinned Onion
Allium haematochiton

Family: Alliaceae (ONION, GARLIC), Liliaceae (LILY).
Generic common name: ONION, GARLIC.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Allium haematochiton


Peninsular Onion
Allium peninsulare var. peninsulare

Family: Alliaceae (ONION, GARLIC), Liliaceae (LILY).
Other common names: Mexicali onion.
Generic common name: ONION, GARLIC.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, sage scrub, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Allium peninsulare var. peninsulare


Early Onion
Allium praecox

Family: Alliaceae (ONION, GARLIC), Liliaceae (LILY).
Generic common name: ONION, GARLIC.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: La Jolla Canyon Trail, oak woodland, April 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Allium praecox

Family Amaranthaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Low Amaranth *
Amaranthus deflexus

Family: Amaranthaceae (AMARANTH).
Other common names: largefruit amaranth, deflexed amaranth, Argentine amaranth.
Generic common name: AMARANTH, PIGWEED.

Location: Disturbed areas throughout, July 2009.

Characteristics: non-Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Amaranthus deflexus

Family Apocynaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Gentianales)


White Bladderflower *
Araujia sericifera

Family: Apocynaceae (DOGBANE), Asclepiadaceae (MILKWEED).
Generic common name: BLADDER-FLOWER.

Location: Long Grade Canyon: West Potrero Road shoulder, chaparral, June 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Araujia sericifera


California Milkweed
Asclepias californica

Family: Apocynaceae (DOGBANE), Asclepiadaceae (MILKWEED).
Other common names: round-hooded milkweed.
Generic common name: MILKWEED.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Crags Road, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Asclepias californica


Indian Milkweed
Asclepias eriocarpa

Family: Apocynaceae (DOGBANE), Asclepiadaceae (MILKWEED).
Other common names: Kotolo milkweed, woollypod milkweed.
Generic common name: MILKWEED.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Crags Road, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Asclepias eriocarpa


Narrow-leaved Milkweed
Asclepias fascicularis

Family: Apocynaceae (DOGBANE), Asclepiadaceae (MILKWEED).
Other common names: Mexican whorled milkweed.
Generic common name: MILKWEED.

Location: Circle X Ranch: group campground access road shoulder, sage scrub, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Asclepias fascicularis


Climbing Milkweed
Funastrum cynanchoides var. hartwegii

TJM1: Sarcostemma cynanchoides ssp. hartwegii.

Family: Apocynaceae (DOGBANE), Asclepiadaceae (MILKWEED).
Other common names: Hartweg's twinevine.

Location: Runyon Canyon: coastal sage scrub, August 2012.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Funastrum cynanchoides var. hartwegii


Oleander *
Nerium oleander

TJM1: Not Listed.

Family: Apocynaceae (DOGBANE).
Other common names: common oleander.
Generic common name: OLEANDER.

Location: Multiple environments with previous landscaping, Sept 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Summer.

Cultivar. Does not appear to be reproducing in California.

Thumbnail Picture of Nerium oleander

Family Asteraceae(discoid) (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Asterales)


Mojave Sagebrush
Artemisia tridentata ssp. parishii

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: Parish's sagebrush, big sagebrush.
Generic common name: SAGEBRUSH.

Location: Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space Preserve: coastal sage scrub, Oct 2011.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Artemisia tridentata ssp. parishii


Italian Thistle *
Carduus pycnocephalus ssp. pycnocephalus

TJM1: Carduus pycnocephalus.

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: Italian plumeless thistle.
Generic common name: PLUMELESS THISTLE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, oak woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Thumbnail Picture of Carduus pycnocephalus ssp. pycnocephalus


Purple Star-thistle *
Centaurea calcitrapa

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: red star-thistle.
Generic common name: KNAPWEED, STAR-THISTLE.

Location: Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space: disturbed grassland, June 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic, NOXIOUS WEED.

Thumbnail Picture of Centaurea calcitrapa


California Thistle
Cirsium occidentale var. californicum

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: Coulter's thistle, cobweb thistle, Bigelow thistle.
Generic common name: THISTLE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, chaparral, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Members of this group tend to coexist and intergrade..

Thumbnail Picture of Cirsium occidentale var. californicum


Cobweb Thistle
Cirsium occidentale var. occidentale

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: western thistle.
Generic common name: THISTLE.

Location: Backbone Trail between Saddle Peak Road and Trippet Ranch: chaparral, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Cirsium occidentale var. occidentale


Bull Thistle *
Cirsium vulgare

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Generic common name: THISTLE.

Location: Solstice Canyon: TRW Loop Trail, oak woodland, June 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Cirsium vulgare


Cardoon *
Cynara cardunculus ssp. cardunculus

TJM1: Cynara cardunculus.

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: artichoke thistle, artichoke.
Generic common name: CYNARA.

Location: Arroyo Sequit: Arroyo Sequit Loop Trail, valley grassland, June 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Thumbnail Picture of Cynara cardunculus ssp. cardunculus


Salt Marsh Fleabane
Pluchea odorata var. odorata

TJM1: Pluchea odorata.

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: marsh-fleabane, sweetscent, shrubby camphorweed.
Generic common name: CAMPHORWEED.

Location: Leo Carrillo State Park: coastal strand, September 2007.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Pluchea odorata var. odorata


Pink Everlasting
Pseudognaphalium ramosissimum

TJM1: Gnaphalium ramosissimum.

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: pink cudweed.
Generic common name: CUDWEED, EVERLASTING.

Location: Ventura County coastal strand, Aug 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.


Thumbnail Picture of Pseudognaphalium ramosissimum


Russian Knapweed *
Rhaponticum repens 

TJM1: Acroptilon repens.
TJM2: Acroptilon repens.
F N A: Acroptilon repens.
A N F: Acroptilon repens.

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: hardheads.

Location: Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa: Near Equestrian parking lot, disturbed grassland, June 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Note: Invasive exotic, NOXIOUS WEED.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Rhaponticum repens


Milk-thistle *
Silybum marianum

Family: Asteraceae(discoid) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: blessed milkthistle.
Generic common name: MILK-THISTLE.

Location: Solstice Canyon: TRW Loop Trail, oak woodland, June 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Note: Invasive exotic, has NOXIOUS WEED status in some states.

Thumbnail Picture of Silybum marianum

Family Asteraceae(radiate) (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Asterales)


Woolly Aster
Corethrogyne filaginifolia

TJM1: Lessingia filaginifolia.

Family: Asteraceae(radiate) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: cudweed aster, common California aster, California aster, common sandaster, cud-aster.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, chaparral, Feb 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Blue, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

This name refers to a complex group that has been recently simplified through consolidation.

Thumbnail Picture of Corethrogyne filaginifolia


Garden Cosmos *
Cosmos bipinnatus

Family: Asteraceae(radiate) (SUNFLOWER).
Generic common name: COSMOS.

Location: May 2011.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

A cultivated species occasionally escaped near landscaping.

Thumbnail Picture of Cosmos bipinnatus


Cape-Marigold *
Dimorphotheca sinuata

Family: Asteraceae(radiate) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: Namaqualand daisy.
Generic common name: DAISYBUSH, AFRICAN DAISY.

Location: Mulholland Highway shoulder: disturbed road margin, March 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Yellow, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Dimorphotheca sinuata


Fleabane Aster
Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus

Family: Asteraceae(radiate) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: leafy fleabane, thread stemmed fleabane.
Generic common name: FLEABANE DAISY, FLEABANE.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Mott Road, disturbed grassland, June 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus


Gazania *
Gazania linearis

Family: Asteraceae(radiate) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: treasureflower.
Generic common name: GAZANIA, TREASURE-FLOWER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail below Triunfo Peak, sage scrub, May 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, Yellow, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Note: this garden escapee can be found in many different colors and is called by many different names.

Thumbnail Picture of Gazania linearis


Lance-Leaved Aster
Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hesperium

TJM1: Aster lanceolatus ssp. hesperius.

Family: Asteraceae(radiate) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: white-panicled aster.
Generic common name: ASTER.

Location: Paramount Ranch: Medea Creek Trail, riparian woodland, Oct 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Blue, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hesperium

Family Asteraceae(ray) (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Asterales)


Acourtia microcephala

Family: Asteraceae(ray) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: sacapellote, California desert-peony.
Generic common name: DESERTPEONY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, sage scrub, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Acourtia microcephala


Cliff Aster
Malacothrix saxatilis var. tenuifolia

Family: Asteraceae(ray) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: cliff desertdandelion.
Generic common name: DESERTDANDELION.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Contact station, sage scrub, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Malacothrix saxatilis var. tenuifolia


Tejon Milk-aster
Stephanomeria cichoriacea

Family: Asteraceae(ray) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: chicory leaved stephanomeria, chicoryleaf wirelettuce, Fort Tejon milk aster.
Generic common name: WIRELETTUCE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Sandstone Peak Trail, sage scrub, July 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Stephanomeria cichoriacea


San Diego Milk-aster
Stephanomeria diegensis

Family: Asteraceae(ray) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: wreathplant, San Diego wirelettuce.
Generic common name: WIRELETTUCE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, oak woodland, Aug 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Blue, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Stephanomeria diegensis


Whiteplume Wirelettuce
Stephanomeria exigua ssp. coronaria

Family: Asteraceae(ray) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: small-crown wirelettuce.
Generic common name: WIRELETTUCE.

Location: Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa: Near Equestrian parking lot, disturbed grassland, June 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Blue, Medium, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Stephanomeria exigua ssp. coronaria


Twiggy Wreath Plant
Stephanomeria virgata

Family: Asteraceae(ray) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: virgate stephanomeria, tall stephanomeria, rod wirelettuce.
Generic common name: WIRELETTUCE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Flagpole Overlook, sage scrub, Aug 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Blue, Medium, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Stephanomeria virgata


Oyster Plant *
Tragopogon porrifolius

Family: Asteraceae(ray) (SUNFLOWER).
Other common names: salsify.
Generic common name: GOAT'S BEARD.

Location: Tapia Park: disturbed grassland, April 2009.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Tragopogon porrifolius

Family Boraginaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Boraginales)


Yellow-throated Phacelia
Phacelia brachyloba

Family: Boraginaceae (BORAGE), Hydrophyllaceae (WATERLEAF).
Other common names: shortlobe phacelia.
Generic common name: PHACELIA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, chaparral, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Yellow, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Phacelia brachyloba

Family Brassicaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Brassicales)


Rock Cress
Boechera sparsiflora

TJM1: Arabis sparsiflora.

Family: Brassicaceae (MUSTARD).
Other common names: elegant rock rose, sicklepod rockcress, elegant rockcress.
Generic common name: ROCK CRESS.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: Sheep Corral Trail, burned chaparral, April 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

"rock rose" probably misapplied.

Thumbnail Picture of Boechera sparsiflora


Sea Rocket *
Cakile maritima

Family: Brassicaceae (MUSTARD).
Other common names: European searocket.
Generic common name: SEA ROCKET.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Thornhill Broome Beach, coastal strand, June 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Cakile maritima


Cardamine californica

Family: Brassicaceae (MUSTARD).
Other common names: California toothwort, bitter cress, toothwort.
Generic common name: BITTER-CRESS, TOOTHWORT.

Location: Backbone Trail between Latigo and Corral Trailheads: oak woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Winter, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Cardamine californica


Hairy Podded Peppergrass
Lepidium lasiocarpum ssp. lasiocarpum

Family: Brassicaceae (MUSTARD).
Other common names: shaggyfruit pepperweed, Desert Pepper grass, sand pepperweed.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: below the Chumash Trail, sandy coastal sage scrub, April 2007.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Lepidium lasiocarpum ssp. lasiocarpum


Poor Man's Pepper
Lepidium virginicum ssp. menziesii

TJM1: Lepidium virginicum var. pubescens.

Family: Brassicaceae (MUSTARD).
Other common names: wild pepper grass, Virginia pepperweed.

Location: China Flat Trail: near Lindero Canyon Road trailhead, disturbed trail cut, March 2008.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Lepidium virginicum ssp. menziesii


Wild Radish *
Raphanus sativus

Family: Brassicaceae (MUSTARD).
Other common names: cultivated radish, jointed charlock.
Generic common name: WILD RADISH, RADISH.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, chaparral, Feb 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Yellow, Red, Medium, Large, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Raphanus sativus


Thysanocarpus curvipes

Family: Brassicaceae (MUSTARD).
Other common names: sand fringepod, hairy fringe-pod, hairy lacepod.
Generic common name: LACEPOD, FRINGEPOD.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Sandstone Peak Trail, rocky slopes, March 2008.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Thysanocarpus curvipes


Narrow-leaved Fringe-pod
Thysanocarpus laciniatus

A N F: Thysanocarpus laciniatus var. laciniatus.

Family: Brassicaceae (MUSTARD).
Other common names: mountain fringepod, common lace pod.
Generic common name: LACEPOD, FRINGEPOD.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, riparian woodland, March 2008.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Thysanocarpus laciniatus

Family Cactaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Coast Cholla
Cylindropuntia prolifera

TJM1: Opuntia prolifera.

Family: Cactaceae (CACTUS).
Other common names: cholla.
Generic common name: CHOLLA.

Location: Wildwood Park: coastal sage scrub, May 2007.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Cylindropuntia prolifera


Beavertail Cactus
Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris

Family: Cactaceae (CACTUS).
Other common names: beaver-tail pricklypear.
Generic common name: PRICKLY PEAR, CHOLLA.

Location: Wildwood Park: coastal sage scrub, March 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Opuntia basilaris var. basilaris

Family Caprifoliaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Dipsacales)


Symphoricarpos mollis

Family: Caprifoliaceae (HONEYSUCKLE).
Other common names: creeping snowberry, trailing snowberry, trip vine.
Generic common name: WAXBERRY, SNOWBERRY.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Serrano Canyon Trail, riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Symphoricarpos mollis

Family Caryophyllaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Hairypink *
Petrorhagia dubia

Family: Caryophyllaceae (PINK, CARNATION).
Other common names: pink grass, wilding pink.
Generic common name: PINK.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: Albertson Motorway road margin, May 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Petrorhagia dubia


Sleepy Catchfly
Silene antirrhina

Family: Caryophyllaceae (PINK, CARNATION).
Other common names: sleepy silene, snapdragon campion.
Generic common name: CATCHFLY, CAMPION.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: Sheep Corral Trail, burned chaparral, May 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Silene antirrhina


Windmill Pink *
Silene gallica

Family: Caryophyllaceae (PINK, CARNATION).
Other common names: common catchfly.
Generic common name: CATCHFLY, CAMPION.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, sage scrub, March 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Silene gallica


Indian Pink
Silene laciniata ssp. laciniata

TJM1: Silene laciniata ssp. major.

Family: Caryophyllaceae (PINK, CARNATION).
Other common names: cardinal catchfly, Mexican pink.
Generic common name: CATCHFLY, CAMPION.

Location: Backbone Trail between Latigo and Corral Trailheads, oak woodland, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Silene laciniata ssp. laciniata


Many-nerved Catchfly
Silene multinervia 

TJM1: Silene multinervia.
TJM2: Silene coniflora.
A N F: Silene coniflora.

Family: Caryophyllaceae (PINK, CARNATION).
Other common names: fire following campion.
Generic common name: CATCHFLY, CAMPION.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: Sheep Corral Trail, burned chaparral, April 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

S. coniflora misapplied, not in California.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Silene multinervia


Boccone's Sandspurry *
Spergularia bocconi

Family: Caryophyllaceae (PINK, CARNATION).
Generic common name: SAND-SPURREY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail trailhead parking lot, coastal sage scrub, May 2008.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Spergularia bocconi


Large Flowered Sand Spurry
Spergularia macrotheca var. macrotheca

Family: Caryophyllaceae (PINK, CARNATION).
Generic common name: SAND-SPURREY.

Location: Coastal grassland, March 2011.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Spergularia macrotheca var. macrotheca


Salt-marsh Sand Spurry
Spergularia marina

Family: Caryophyllaceae (PINK, CARNATION).
Generic common name: SAND-SPURREY.

Location: Oxnard Ecological Preserve: salt flat, March 2009.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Blue, Small, Medium, Clusters, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Spergularia marina

Family Chenopodiaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Swamp Saltbush *
Atriplex amnicola

TJM1: Not Listed.

Family: Chenopodiaceae (GOOSEFOOT).
Generic common name: SALTBUSH, ORACH.

Location: Malibu Lagoon State Beach: trailside near salt marsh, Dec 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Yellow, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Atriplex amnicola


Coulter's Saltbush
Atriplex coulteri

Family: Chenopodiaceae (GOOSEFOOT).
Other common names: Coulter's orach.
Generic common name: SALTBUSH, ORACH.

Location: Malibu: coastal bluff, May 2011.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 1B.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Atriplex coulteri


Quail Bush
Atriplex lentiformis

Family: Chenopodiaceae (GOOSEFOOT).
Other common names: big saltbush, coast saltbush, lenscale.
Generic common name: SALTBUSH, ORACH.

Location: Malibu Lagoon State Beach: salt marsh, September 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Summer.

Note: the flowers of this plant are often referred to as green.

Thumbnail Picture of Atriplex lentiformis


Fat-hen *
Atriplex prostrata

TJM1: Atriplex triangularis.

Family: Chenopodiaceae (GOOSEFOOT).
Other common names: thinleaf orach, spearscale, spear leaved saltbrush.
Generic common name: SALTBUSH, ORACH.

Location: Malibu Lagoon State Beach: open disturbed areas, Sept 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Atriplex prostrata


Australian Saltbush *
Atriplex semibaccata

Family: Chenopodiaceae (GOOSEFOOT).
Other common names: creeping saltbush, berry saltbush.
Generic common name: SALTBUSH, ORACH.

Location: Leo Carrillo State Park: coastal strand, September 2007.

Characteristics: non-Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Atriplex semibaccata


California Saltbush
Extriplex californica 

TJM1: Atriplex californica.
TJM2: Atriplex californica.
A N F: Atriplex californica.

Family: Chenopodiaceae (GOOSEFOOT).
Other common names: California orach.
Generic common name: SALTBUSH, ORACH.

Location: Leo Carrillo State Park: coastal strand, September 2007.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Note: the flowers of this plant are often referred to as green.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Extriplex californica


Woody Glasswort
Salicornia pacifica

TJM1: Salicornia virginica.
F N A: Sarcocornia pacifica.

Family: Chenopodiaceae (GOOSEFOOT).
Other common names: pickleweed, Virginia glasswort.

Location: Malibu Lagoon State Beach: salt marsh, September 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Woody, Annual, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Salicornia pacifica


Southern Russian Thistle *
Salsola australis

TJM1: Salsola tragus.

Family: Chenopodiaceae (GOOSEFOOT).
Generic common name: RUSSIAN THISTLE.

Location: Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa: Big Sycamore Canyon Trail, valley grassland, July 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

This common plant is frequently confused with Salsola tragus the "Tumbleweed" form, which is much less common in the SMM NRA.

Thumbnail Picture of Salsola australis


Russian Thistle *
Salsola tragus

Family: Chenopodiaceae (GOOSEFOOT).
Other common names: Tumbleweed.
Generic common name: RUSSIAN THISTLE.

Location: Malibu Canyon Road: disturbed roadside, Oct 2008.

Characteristics: non-Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Winter, Summer, Fall.

This plant is much less common in the SMM NRA than Salsola australis.

Thumbnail Picture of Salsola tragus

Family Cistaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Malvales)


Pink Rockrose *
Cistus incanus

TJM1: Cistus creticus.
TJM2: Cistus incanus.
Other scientific names: Cistus villosus, Cistus incanus ssp. creticus.

Family: Cistaceae (ROCK-ROSE).
Other common names: hairy rockrose, Cretan rockrose.
Generic common name: ROCK-ROSE.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: riparian woodland east of Las Virgenes Cyn Rd, June 2009.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Solitary, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring.

Cultivar infrequently encountered escaped near urban landscaping.

Thumbnail Picture of Cistus incanus

Family Convolvulaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Solanales)


Wild Morning Glory
Calystegia macrostegia ssp. cyclostegia

Family: Convolvulaceae (MORNING-GLORY).
Other common names: island false bindweed, coast morning glory.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, chaparral, Feb 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Intergrades with other local Calystegia species making precise a ID sometimes difficult.

Thumbnail Picture of Calystegia macrostegia ssp. cyclostegia


Beach Morning-glory
Calystegia soldanella

Family: Convolvulaceae (MORNING-GLORY).
Other common names: seashore false bindweed, sand convolvulus.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Thornhill Broome Beach, coastal strand, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Calystegia soldanella


Bindweed *
Convolvulus arvensis

Family: Convolvulaceae (MORNING-GLORY).
Other common names: orchard morning-glory, field bindweed.
Generic common name: MORNING-GLORY, BINDWEED.

Location: Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa: Ranch Overlook Trail, disturbed grassland, June 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Convolvulus arvensis


Small-Flowered Morning-Glory
Convolvulus simulans

Family: Convolvulaceae (MORNING-GLORY).
Generic common name: MORNING-GLORY, BINDWEED.

Location: Wildwood Park: trailside, disturbed grassland, April 2010.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Convolvulus simulans


Western Dichondria
Dichondra occidentalis

Family: Convolvulaceae (MORNING-GLORY).
Other common names: western ponysfoot.
Generic common name: PONYSFOOT.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Chumash Trail, coastal sage scrub, March 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Dichondra occidentalis

Family Crassulaceae (Magnoliopsida | Saxifraganae | Saxifragales)


Pigmy Weed
Crassula connata

Family: Crassulaceae (STONECROP).
Other common names: sand pygmyweed.
Generic common name: PYGMYWEED.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, sage scrub, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Crassula connata


Canyon Dudleya
Dudleya cymosa ssp. cymosa

Family: Crassulaceae (STONECROP).
Other common names: canyon liveforever.
Generic common name: DUDLEYA, LIVEFOREVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: north-facing, steep rocky slope, April 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Dudleya cymosa ssp. cymosa


Marcescent Dudleya
Dudleya cymosa ssp. marcescens

Family: Crassulaceae (STONECROP).
Other common names: Santa Monica Mountains dudleya.
Generic common name: DUDLEYA, LIVEFOREVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: oak woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 1B.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Dudleya cymosa ssp. marcescens


Lance-leaf Live-forever
Dudleya lanceolata

Family: Crassulaceae (STONECROP).
Other common names: southern California dudleya, lance-leaved dudleya.
Generic common name: DUDLEYA, LIVEFOREVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, sage scrub, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Dudleya lanceolata


Palmer's Dudleya
Dudleya palmeri

Family: Crassulaceae (STONECROP).
Other common names: Palmer's liveforever.
Generic common name: DUDLEYA, LIVEFOREVER.

Location: Malibu Canyon Road: steep roadcut, chaparral, June 2001.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

May not be distinct from D. lanceolata.

Thumbnail Picture of Dudleya palmeri


Chalk Live-forever
Dudleya pulverulenta

Family: Crassulaceae (STONECROP).
Other common names: chalk dudleya, California chalk lettuce.
Generic common name: DUDLEYA, LIVEFOREVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, intermittent streambed, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Dudleya pulverulenta

Family Dipsacaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Dipsacales)


Wild Teasel *
Dipsacus fullonum

Other scientific names: Dipsacus sylvestris.

Family: Dipsacaceae (TEASEL).
Other common names: Fuller's teasel.
Generic common name: TEASEL.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Crags Road, disturbed riparian woodland, July 2012.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Summer.

Note: Invasive exotic with NOXIOUS WEED status in several US states.

Thumbnail Picture of Dipsacus fullonum

Family Ericaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Ericales)


Eastwood Manzanita
Arctostaphylos glandulosa

Family: Ericaceae (HEATH).
Generic common name: MANZANITA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Sandstone Peak Trail, chaparral, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Arctostaphylos glandulosa


Bigberry Manzanita
Arctostaphylos glauca

Family: Ericaceae (HEATH).
Generic common name: MANZANITA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, chaparral, Jan 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Arctostaphylos glauca


Mission Manzanita
Xylococcus bicolor

Family: Ericaceae (HEATH).
Generic common name: MISSION MANZANITA.

Location: Deer Creek Canyon, coastal sage scrub, March 2023.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring.

Most of the photos shown here are from the Cabrillo National Monument, 2009.

Thumbnail Picture of Xylococcus bicolor

Family Euphorbiaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Malpighiales)


Red-gland Spurge
Euphorbia melanadenia 

TJM1: Chamaesyce melanadenia.
TJM2: Chamaesyce melanadenia.

Family: Euphorbiaceae (SPURGE).
Generic common name: SPURGE.

Location: Griffith Park: Mt. Hollywood Trail, Disturbed trail cut (Coastal Sage Scrub) March 2013.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Euphorbia melanadenia


Prostrate Sandmat *
Euphorbia prostrata 

TJM1: Chamaesyce prostrata.
TJM2: Chamaesyce prostrata.

Family: Euphorbiaceae (SPURGE).
Other common names: prostrate spurge.
Generic common name: SPURGE.

Location: Thousand Oaks: sidewalk paving cracks, Aug 2009.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Summer, Fall.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Euphorbia prostrata


Thyme-leaved Spurge
Euphorbia serpillifolia var. serpillifolia 

TJM1: Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia.
TJM2: Chamaesyce serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia.
A N F: Euphorbia serpyllifolia ssp. serpyllifolia.

Family: Euphorbiaceae (SPURGE).
Other common names: thymeleaf sandmat.
Generic common name: SPURGE.

Location: Mulholland Highway roadside near Seminole Hot Springs, July 2009.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Solitary, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Euphorbia serpillifolia var. serpillifolia


Castor Bean *
Ricinus communis

Family: Euphorbiaceae (SPURGE).
Generic common name: CASTOR BEAN, RICINUS.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Thumbnail Picture of Ricinus communis

Family Fabaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Fabales)


Spanish Clover
Acmispon americanus var. americanus

TJM1: Lotus purshianus.

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Generic common name: NEW WORLD LOTUS.

Location: Backbone Trail between Zuma Ridge Trail and Kanan Trailhead: riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Solitary, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Acmispon americanus var. americanus


Acmispon glaber

TJM1: Lotus scoparius.

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: common deerweed, California broom.
Generic common name: NEW WORLD LOTUS.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, chaparral, Feb 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Acmispon glaber


Large-flowered Lotus
Acmispon grandiflorus var. grandiflorus

TJM1: Lotus grandiflorus var. grandiflorus.

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: chaparral bird's foot trefoil, chaparral lotus, Large leaved lotus.
Generic common name: NEW WORLD LOTUS.

Location: Backbone Trail between Saddle Peak Road and Trippet Ranch: oak woodland, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Acmispon grandiflorus var. grandiflorus


False Indigo
Amorpha californica var. californica

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: California false indigo.
Generic common name: FALSE INDIGO.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Crags Road, oak woodland, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Amorpha californica var. californica


Braunton's Rattle-weed
Astragalus brauntonii

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: Braunton's milkvetch.
Generic common name: MILKVETCH.

Location: Topanga State Park: Temescal Ridge Trail, coastal sage scrub, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 1B.1.

Thumbnail Picture of Astragalus brauntonii


Common Dwarf Locoweed
Astragalus didymocarpus var. didymocarpus

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: dwarf white milkvetch, two seeded milk vetch, common dwarf milkvetch.
Generic common name: MILKVETCH.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: oak woodland, April 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Astragalus didymocarpus var. didymocarpus


Arabian Pea *
Bituminaria bituminosa

TJM1: Not Listed.

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Generic common name: BITUMINARIA.

Location: Griffith Park, escaped cultivar, June 2009.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Bituminaria bituminosa


Western Redbud
Cercis occidentalis

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: redbud.
Generic common name: REDBUD.

Location: Backbone Trail between Zuma Ridge Trail and Kanan Trailhead: disturbed road margin, March 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Probably not native to SMM, apparently not reproducing.

Thumbnail Picture of Cercis occidentalis


Dolichos Pea *
Dipogon lignosus

TJM1: Not Listed.

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: Australian pea, okie bean.
Generic common name: DIPOGON.

Location: Griffith Park, escaped cultivar, June 2009.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Dipogon lignosus


Wild Licorice
Glycyrrhiza lepidota

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: American licorice.
Generic common name: LICORICE.

Location: Wildwood Park: Wildwood Canyon Trail, open roadside near riparian woodland, June 2009.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Glycyrrhiza lepidota


Perennial Sweet Pea *
Lathyrus latifolius

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: everlasting pea, perennial pea.
Generic common name: WILD PEA, PEA.

Location: Paramount Ranch: Backdrop Trail, valley grassland, May 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Lathyrus latifolius


Sweet Pea *
Lathyrus odoratus

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: garden sweet pea, common sweet pea.
Generic common name: WILD PEA, PEA.

Location: Calabasas Open Space near Agoura Road: valley grassland, May 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Lathyrus odoratus


Wild Sweet Pea
Lathyrus vestitus var. vestitus

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: pacific pea, Bolander's pea, common pacific pea.
Generic common name: WILD PEA, PEA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, oak woodland, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Lathyrus vestitus var. vestitus


Hall's Bush Lupine
Lupinus albifrons var. hallii 

TJM1: Lupinus excubitus var. hallii.
TJM2: Lupinus excubitus var. hallii.
A N F: Lupinus excubitus var. hallii.

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: grape soda lupine, Adonis Lupine.
Generic common name: LUPINE.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: Cheeseboro Ridge Connector, disturbed grassland, April 2008.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Lupinus albifrons var. hallii


Dove Lupine
Lupinus bicolor

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: miniature lupine, bicolored lupine, annual lupine.
Generic common name: LUPINE.

Location: Lake Eleanor Open Space: grassland, March 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Lupinus bicolor


Alfalfa *
Medicago sativa

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: lucerne.
Generic common name: ALFALFA, BURCLOVER.

Location: Backbone Trail between Zuma Ridge Trail and Kanan Trailhead: oak woodland, July 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Medicago sativa


Chaparral Pea
Pickeringia montana var. montana

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: Montana chaparral pea.
Generic common name: CHAPARRAL PEA.

Location: Backbone Trail between Trippet Ranch and Will Rogers State Parks: chaparral, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Pickeringia montana var. montana


Rancheria Clover
Trifolium albopurpureum

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: Indian clover.
Generic common name: CLOVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, thin soiled grassland, April 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Trifolium albopurpureum


Tree Clover
Trifolium ciliolatum

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: foothill clover.
Generic common name: CLOVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, chaparral, April 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Trifolium ciliolatum


Truncate Sack Clover
Trifolium depauperatum var. truncatum

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: cowbag clover, dwarf sack clover.
Generic common name: CLOVER.

Location: Triunfo Canyon Park: thin soiled grassland, March 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Trifolium depauperatum var. truncatum


Rose Clover *
Trifolium hirtum

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Generic common name: CLOVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, disturbed shoulder margin, April 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Thumbnail Picture of Trifolium hirtum


Crimson Clover *
Trifolium incarnatum

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Generic common name: CLOVER.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Backbone Trail, chaparral, May 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Cultivar probably deliberately distributed by hikers. This plant growing in the wild was dwarfed compared to typical garden examples.

Thumbnail Picture of Trifolium incarnatum


Small-head Clover
Trifolium microcephalum

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: maiden clover, hairy clover, small head field clover.
Generic common name: CLOVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: open thin-soiled grassy areas within chaparral, April 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Trifolium microcephalum


Creek Clover
Trifolium obtusiflorum

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: clammy clover.
Generic common name: CLOVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, intermittent streambed, June 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Trifolium obtusiflorum


White-tipped Clover
Trifolium variegatum

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: variegated clover.
Generic common name: CLOVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: wet rocky drainage in coastal sage scrub, April 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Trifolium variegatum


Tomcat Clover
Trifolium willdenovii

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Generic common name: CLOVER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, sage scrub, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Trifolium willdenovii


American Vetch
Vicia americana ssp. americana

TJM1: Vicia americana var. americana.

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Generic common name: VETCH.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Cage Creek Trail, oak woodland, March 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Vicia americana ssp. americana


Purple Vetch *
Vicia benghalensis

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: reddish tufted vetch.
Generic common name: VETCH.

Location: Rocky Oaks: Rocky Oaks Pond, pond edge, Sept 2008.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Vicia benghalensis


Slender Vetch
Vicia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana

TJM1: Vicia ludoviciana var. ludoviciana.

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: deerpea vetch.
Generic common name: VETCH.

Location: Castro Crest: Backbone Trail, riparian woodland, April 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Vicia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana


Narrow-leaved Vetch *
Vicia sativa ssp. nigra

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: garden vetch, spring vetch, common vetch.
Generic common name: VETCH.

Location: Franklin Canyon, oak woodland, June 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Vicia sativa ssp. nigra


Spring Vetch *
Vicia sativa ssp. sativa

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: garden vetch, pubescent common vetch.
Generic common name: VETCH.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, riparian woodland, March 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Vicia sativa ssp. sativa


Winter Vetch *
Vicia villosa

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: hairy vetch.
Generic common name: VETCH.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, valley grassland, March 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Vicia villosa

Family Fagaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Fagales)


Scrub Oak
Quercus berberidifolia

Family: Fagaceae (BEECH, OAK).
Other common names: California scrub oak.
Generic common name: OAK.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Deerleg Trail, grassland, March 2008.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Quercus berberidifolia


Blue Oak
Quercus douglasii

Family: Fagaceae (BEECH, OAK).
Generic common name: OAK.

Location: Wildwood Park: oak savanna (grassland) April 2011.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Green, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Quercus douglasii

Family Frankeniaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Alkali Heath
Frankenia salina

Family: Frankeniaceae (FRANKENIA).
Other common names: alkali seaheath.
Generic common name: FRANKENIA, SEAHEATH.

Location: Malibu Lagoon State Beach: salt marsh, September 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Frankenia salina

Family Gentianaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Gentianales)


Desert Centaury
Zeltnera exaltata

TJM1: Centaurium exaltatum.

Family: Gentianaceae (GENTIAN).
Other common names: spring loving centaury, cancha lagua, tall centaury.
Generic common name: CENTAURY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: rocky streambed, June 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Zeltnera exaltata


Zeltnera venusta

TJM1: Centaurium venustum.

Family: Gentianaceae (GENTIAN).
Other common names: beautiful centaury, charming centaury, California centaury.
Generic common name: CENTAURY.

Location: Paramount Ranch: Medea Creek Trail, valley grassland, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Zeltnera venusta

Family Geraniaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Geraniales)


Long-beaked Filaree *
Erodium botrys

Family: Geraniaceae (GERANIUM).
Other common names: longbeak stork's bill, big heron bill.
Generic common name: STORKSBILL, FILAREE.

Location: Backbone Trail between Latigo and Corral Trailheads, riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Erodium botrys


Foothill Filaree *
Erodium brachycarpum

Family: Geraniaceae (GERANIUM).
Other common names: shortfruit stork's bill.
Generic common name: STORKSBILL, FILAREE.

Location: Triunfo Canyon Park: grassy disturbed area close to road, March 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Solitary, Odd, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Erodium brachycarpum


Red-stem Filaree *
Erodium cicutarium

Family: Geraniaceae (GERANIUM).
Other common names: redstem stork's bill.
Generic common name: STORKSBILL, FILAREE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: group campground access road shoulder, sage scrub, Feb 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Erodium cicutarium


White-stem Filaree *
Erodium moschatum

Family: Geraniaceae (GERANIUM).
Other common names: musky stork's bill.
Generic common name: STORKSBILL, FILAREE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: group campground access road shoulder, sage scrub, March 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Erodium moschatum


Carolina Geranium
Geranium carolinianum

Family: Geraniaceae (GERANIUM).
Generic common name: CRANESBILL, GERANIUM.

Location: Stunt Ranch: Stunt High Trail, chaparral, March 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Geranium carolinianum


Cutleaf Geranium *
Geranium dissectum

Family: Geraniaceae (GERANIUM).
Other common names: common wild geranium, cranesbill.
Generic common name: CRANESBILL, GERANIUM.

Location: Stunt Ranch: Stunt High Trail, chaparral, March 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Geranium dissectum


Dove's Foot Geranium *
Geranium molle

Family: Geraniaceae (GERANIUM).
Other common names: woodland geranium.
Generic common name: CRANESBILL, GERANIUM.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Triunfo Backbone Trail, chaparral, April 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Geranium molle


Roundleaf Geranium *
Geranium rotundifolium

Family: Geraniaceae (GERANIUM).
Generic common name: CRANESBILL, GERANIUM.

Location: April 2011.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Geranium rotundifolium

Family Grossulariaceae (Magnoliopsida | Saxifraganae | Saxifragales)


Hillside Gooseberry
Ribes californicum

A N F: Ribes californicum var. hesperium.

Family: Grossulariaceae (GOOSEBERRY).
Other common names: California gooseberry.
Generic common name: CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, oak woodland, Feb 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Ribes californicum


Chaparral Currant
Ribes malvaceum

Family: Grossulariaceae (GOOSEBERRY).
Generic common name: CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, oak woodland, Jan 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Ribes malvaceum


Fuchsia-flowered Gooseberry
Ribes speciosum

Family: Grossulariaceae (GOOSEBERRY).
Generic common name: CURRANT, GOOSEBERRY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, oak woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Ribes speciosum

Family Juncaceae (Magnoliopsida | Lilianae | Poales)


Southwestern Spiny Rush
Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii

Family: Juncaceae (RUSH).
Generic common name: RUSH.

Location: Leo Carrillo State Park: coastal strand, May 2011.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Juncus acutus ssp. leopoldii


Baltic Rush
Juncus balticus

F N A: Juncus arcticus var. balticus.
Other scientific names: Juncus mexicanus.

Family: Juncaceae (RUSH).
Other common names: Mexican rush, wire rush, mountain rush.
Generic common name: RUSH.

Location: Westlake Road: riparian woodland, June 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

A complex group, see discussion in the A N F description.

Thumbnail Picture of Juncus balticus


Brown Headed Rush
Juncus phaeocephalus var. paniculatus

Family: Juncaceae (RUSH).
Other common names: panicled rush.
Generic common name: RUSH.

Location: Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa: Near Equestrian parking lot, riparian woodland, Aug 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Juncus phaeocephalus var. paniculatus

Family Juncaginaceae (Magnoliopsida | Lilianae | Alismatales)


Common Arrow-grass
Triglochin maritima

Family: Juncaginaceae (ARROW-GRASS).
Other common names: Arrowgrass.
Generic common name: ARROW-GRASS.

Location: Mugu Lagoon: coastal salt marsh, July 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Was treated as Triglochin concinna in the original manual.

Thumbnail Picture of Triglochin maritima

Family Lamiaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Lamiales)


Yerba Buena
Clinopodium douglasii

TJM1: Satureja douglasii.

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Generic common name: SAVORY.

Location: Topanga State Park: Rustic Canyon trail, riparian woodland, June 2010.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Clinopodium douglasii


Henbit *
Lamium amplexicaule

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Other common names: henbit deadnettle, dead nettle, giraffe's head.
Generic common name: DEAD NETTLE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, chaparral Feb 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Lamium amplexicaule


Pitcher Sage
Lepechinia fragrans

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Other common names: fragrant pitcher sage, island pitchersage.
Generic common name: PITCHER SAGE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, sage scrub, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Lepechinia fragrans


Pennyroyal *
Mentha pulegium

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Generic common name: MINT.

Location: Lake Sherwood: shore margin: Sept 2008.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Small, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Mentha pulegium


Spearmint *
Mentha spicata

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Generic common name: MINT.

Location: Zuma/Trancas Canyons: Upper Zuma Canyon, streamside, September 2007.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Mentha spicata


White Sage
Salvia apiana

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Generic common name: SAGE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, sage scrub, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Salvia apiana


Purple Sage
Salvia leucophylla

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Other common names: San Luis purple sage.
Generic common name: SAGE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, sage brush, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Salvia leucophylla


Crimson Pitcher Sage
Salvia spathacea

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Other common names: hummingbird sage, pitcher sage.
Generic common name: SAGE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, oak woodland April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Salvia spathacea


Stachys bullata

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Other common names: California hedgenettle, wood mint.
Generic common name: HEDGE NETTLE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: New Backbone Trail, chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Stachys bullata


Rigid Hedge Nettle
Stachys rigida var. quercetorum

TJM1: Stachys ajugoides var. quercetorum.

Family: Lamiaceae (MINT).
Other common names: rough hedgenettle.
Generic common name: HEDGE NETTLE.

Location: Solstice Canyon: Solstice Canyon Road, oak woodland, April 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Stachys rigida var. quercetorum

Family Liliaceae (Magnoliopsida | Lilianae | Liliales)


Plummer's Mariposa Lily
Calochortus plummerae

Family: Liliaceae (LILY), Calochortaceae (MARIPOSA LILY).
Generic common name: MARIPOSA LILY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, chaparral, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Calochortus plummerae


Lilac Mariposa Lily
Calochortus splendens

Family: Liliaceae (LILY), Calochortaceae (MARIPOSA LILY).
Other common names: splendid mariposa lily.
Generic common name: MARIPOSA LILY.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: Albertson Motorway, valley grassland, June 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Calochortus splendens


Weed's Mariposa Lily
Calochortus weedii var. intermedius

Family: Liliaceae (LILY), Calochortaceae (MARIPOSA LILY).
Other common names: intermediate mariposa lily.
Generic common name: MARIPOSA LILY.

Location: Dayton Canyon ridge line: open chaparral/coastal sage scrub, May 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 1B.2
See the note in the A N F about the ID of this plant.

Thumbnail Picture of Calochortus weedii var. intermedius


Chocolate Lily
Fritillaria biflora var. biflora

Family: Liliaceae (LILY).
Other common names: mission bells.
Generic common name: FRITILLARY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, sage scrub March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Fritillaria biflora var. biflora


Humboldt Lily
Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum

Family: Liliaceae (LILY).
Other common names: spotted Humboldt's lily, ocellated Humbolt lily, leopard lily.
Generic common name: LILY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Lilium humboldtii ssp. ocellatum

Family Linaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Malpighiales)


Small-flowered Dwarf-flax
Hesperolinon micranthum

F N A: Linum micranthum.

Family: Linaceae (FLAX).
Other common names: threadstem flax, small flower western flax, Common dwarf flax.
Generic common name: DWARF FLAX, WESTERN FLAX.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, coastal sage scrub, June 2007.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Hesperolinon micranthum


Flowering Flax *
Linum grandiflorum

Family: Linaceae (FLAX).
Other common names: garden flax.
Generic common name: FLAX.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, thin soiled grassland, May 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

Waif. A cultivar likely deliberately spread from a commercial "wildflower" seed packets.

Thumbnail Picture of Linum grandiflorum

Family Lythraceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Myrtales)


Long-leaved Ammania
Ammannia coccinea

Family: Lythraceae (LOOSESTRIFE).
Other common names: purple ammannia, red ammannia, valley redstem, tooth-cup.
Generic common name: REDSTEM.

Location: Rocky Oaks: Rocky Oaks Pond, pond edge, Sept 2008.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Ammannia coccinea


California Loosestrife
Lythrum californicum

Family: Lythraceae (LOOSESTRIFE).
Other common names: common loosestrife, hierba del cancer.
Generic common name: LOOSESTRIFE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, intermittent streambed, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Lythrum californicum


Hyssop Loosestrife *
Lythrum hyssopifolia

TJM1: Lythrum hyssopifolium.

Family: Lythraceae (LOOSESTRIFE).
Generic common name: LOOSESTRIFE.

Location: Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa: Wendy Trail, riparian woodland, June 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Thumbnail Picture of Lythrum hyssopifolia

Family Malvaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Malvales)


Bush Mallow
Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. laxiflorus 

TJM1: Malacothamnus fasciculatus.
TJM2: Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. fasciculatus.
F N A: Malacothamnus fasciculatus.
A N F: Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. fasciculatus.

Family: Malvaceae (MALLOW).
Other common names: chaparral mallow, chaparral bushmallow, Mendocino bushmallow, Santa Cruz Island bush mallow.
Generic common name: BUSH MALLOW.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Serrano Canyon Road shoulder, chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Large, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. laxiflorus was added to the Jepson eFlora in 2023, and it appears to be a good fit for our plants.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. laxiflorus


Tree Mallow *
Malva arborea

TJM1: Lavatera arborea.

Family: Malvaceae (MALLOW).
Other common names: bushmallow.
Generic common name: MALLOW.

Location: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, March 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Annual, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Infrequent garden escapee.

Thumbnail Picture of Malva arborea


Bull Mallow *
Malva nicaeensis

Family: Malvaceae (MALLOW).
Other common names: mallow of Nice.
Generic common name: MALLOW.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Big Sycamore Canyon Trail, oak woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Malva nicaeensis


Cheeseweed *
Malva parviflora

Family: Malvaceae (MALLOW).
Other common names: cheeseweed mallow, little mallow.
Generic common name: MALLOW.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, chaparral, March 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Malva parviflora


Cretan Mallow *
Malva pseudolavatera

TJM1: Lavatera cretica.

Family: Malvaceae (MALLOW).
Other common names: Cornish mallow, Cretan lavatera.
Generic common name: MALLOW.

Location: Latigo Road disturbed margin, coastal sage scrub, April 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Malva pseudolavatera


Bristly Mallow *
Modiola caroliniana

Family: Malvaceae (MALLOW).
Other common names: Carolina bristle mallow.
Generic common name: BRISTLEMALLOW.

Location: Gillette Ranch: lawns and nearby disturbed areas, May 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Modiola caroliniana


Checker Bloom
Sidalcea sparsifolia

TJM1: Sidalcea malviflora ssp. sparsifolia.

Family: Malvaceae (MALLOW).
Other common names: checker mallow, wild hollyhock, dwarf checkerbloom, southern checkerbloom.

Location: Backbone Trail between Zuma Ridge Trail and Kanan Trailhead: riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Sidalcea sparsifolia

Family Montiaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Brewer's Red Maids
Calandrinia breweri

Family: Montiaceae (MINER'S LETTUCE), Portulacaceae (PURSLANE).
Generic common name: REDMAIDS.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail below Triunfo Peak, chaparral, April 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Calandrinia breweri


Red Maids
Calandrinia menziesii 

TJM1: Calandrinia ciliata.
TJM2: Calandrinia ciliata.
F N A: Calandrinia ciliata.
A N F: Calandrinia ciliata.

Family: Montiaceae (MINER'S LETTUCE), Portulacaceae (PURSLANE).
Other common names: fringed redmaids.
Generic common name: REDMAIDS.

Location: Stunt Ranch: Stunt High Trail, valley grassland, March 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Calandrinia menziesii


Seaside Calandrinia
Cistanthe maritima

TJM1: Calandrinia maritima.

Family: Montiaceae (MINER'S LETTUCE), Portulacaceae (PURSLANE).
Other common names: seaside pussypaws, seaside redmaids.
Generic common name: PUSSYPAWS.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: sandy slopes above the ocean, May 2014.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Cistanthe maritima


Coast Range Claytonia
Claytonia gypsophiloides

Family: Montiaceae (MINER'S LETTUCE), Portulacaceae (PURSLANE).
Other common names: gypsum springbeauty.
Generic common name: SPRINGBEAUTY.

Location: Triunfo Canyon Park: rocky slope, March 2008.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Claytonia gypsophiloides


Streambank Springbeauty
Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora

Family: Montiaceae (MINER'S LETTUCE), Portulacaceae (PURSLANE).
Other common names: Utah miner's lettuce, narrow leaved miner's lettuce, Indian-lettuce.
Generic common name: SPRINGBEAUTY.

Location: Triunfo Canyon Park: trail up to the reservoir, damp disturbed trailside, April 2010.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora


Davidson's Indian-lettuce
Claytonia parviflora ssp. viridis

Family: Montiaceae (MINER'S LETTUCE), Portulacaceae (PURSLANE).
Other common names: Utah miner's lettuce, narrow leaved miner's lettuce, green miner's lettuce, Streambank Springbeauty.
Generic common name: SPRINGBEAUTY.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Backbone Trail, riparian woodland, April 2011.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Claytonia parviflora ssp. viridis


Bitter Root
Lewisia rediviva var. rediviva

TJM1: Lewisia rediviva.

Family: Montiaceae (MINER'S LETTUCE), Portulacaceae (PURSLANE).
Generic common name: LEWISIA, BITTERROOT.

Location: Triunfo Canyon Park: rocky slope, May 2007.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Lewisia rediviva var. rediviva

Family Myricaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Fagales)


California Wax Myrtle
Morella californica

TJM1: Myrica californica.

Family: Myricaceae (WAX MYRTLE, BAYBERRY).
Other common names: Pacific bayberry.
Generic common name: BAYBERRY.

Location: Photographed outside of range, May 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Morella californica

Family Myrsinaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Ericales)


Scarlet Pimpernel *
Lysimachia arvensis 

TJM1: Anagallis arvensis.
TJM2: Anagallis arvensis.
F N A: Anagallis arvensis.
A N F: Anagallis arvensis.

Family: Myrsinaceae (MYRSINE), Primulaceae (PRIMROSE).
Other common names: poor-man's weatherglass.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, oak woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Lysimachia arvensis

Family Namaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Boraginales)


Yerba Santa
Eriodictyon crassifolium var. nigrescens

Family: Namaceae (NAMA), Boraginaceae (BORAGE), Hydrophyllaceae (WATERLEAF).
Other common names: bicolored yerba santa, felt leaved Yerba Santa.
Generic common name: YERBA SANTA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Eriodictyon crassifolium var. nigrescens

Family Nyctaginaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Red Sand Verbena
Abronia maritima

Family: Nyctaginaceae (FOUR O'CLOCK).
Other common names: sticky sand verbena.
Generic common name: SAND VERBENA.

Location: Leo Carrillo State Park: coastal strand, September 2007.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2.

Thumbnail Picture of Abronia maritima


Pink Sand Verbena
Abronia umbellata ssp. umbellata

Family: Nyctaginaceae (FOUR O'CLOCK).
Other common names: purple sand verbena, beach sand verbena.
Generic common name: SAND VERBENA.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Thornhill Broome Beach, coastal strand, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Abronia umbellata ssp. umbellata


Four-O'Clock *
Mirabilis jalapa var. jalapa

TJM1: Mirabilis jalapa.

Family: Nyctaginaceae (FOUR O'CLOCK).
Other common names: marvel of Peru, wishbone bush.
Generic common name: FOUR O'CLOCK.

Location: Camarillo Regional Recreation Area, disturbed roadside, Sept 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Yellow, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

A cultivated species occasionally escaped near landscaping.

Thumbnail Picture of Mirabilis jalapa var. jalapa


Wishbone Bush
Mirabilis laevis var. crassifolia

TJM1: Mirabilis californica.

Family: Nyctaginaceae (FOUR O'CLOCK).
Other common names: California four o'clock, desert wishbone-bush.
Generic common name: FOUR O'CLOCK.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, chaparral, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Mirabilis laevis var. crassifolia

Family Onagraceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Myrtales)


Clarkia bottae

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: Botta's clarkia, punch bowl godetia.
Generic common name: CLARKIA, GODETIA.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Serrano Canyon Trail, riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Clarkia bottae


Speckled Clarkia
Clarkia cylindrica ssp. cylindrica

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Generic common name: CLARKIA, GODETIA.

Location: Backbone Trail between Zuma Ridge Trail and Kanan Trailhead: chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Clarkia cylindrica ssp. cylindrica


Purple Clarkia
Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: winecup clarkia, four-spot.
Generic common name: CLARKIA, GODETIA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, riparian woodland, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Clarkia purpurea ssp. quadrivulnera


Large Godetia
Clarkia purpurea ssp. viminea

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: winecup clarkia, purple clarkia.
Generic common name: CLARKIA, GODETIA.

Location: UCLA Stunt Ranch: entrance road near education area, oak woodland, June 2012.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Clarkia purpurea ssp. viminea


Elegant Clarkia
Clarkia unguiculata

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: woodland clarkia.
Generic common name: CLARKIA, GODETIA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, oak woodland, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Solitary, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Clarkia unguiculata


Field Willow-herb
Epilobium brachycarpum

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: panicled willow herb, autumn willowweed, annual fireweed, tall annual willowherb.
Generic common name: FIREWEED, WILLOW HERB.

Location: Rocky Oaks: Rocky Oaks Loop Trail, oak woodland, Sept 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Epilobium brachycarpum


California Fuchsia
Epilobium canum ssp. canum

Other scientific names: Zauschneria cana.

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: hummingbird trumpet, zauschneria.
Generic common name: FIREWEED, WILLOW HERB.

Location: Rocky Oaks: Rocky Oaks Loop Trail, oak woodland, Sept 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Large, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Epilobium canum ssp. canum


Broadleaved California Fuchsia
Epilobium canum ssp. latifolium

Other scientific names: Zauschneria latifolia.

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Generic common name: FIREWEED, WILLOW HERB.

Location: Griffith Park: coastal sage scrub, Sept 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Epilobium canum ssp. latifolium


Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: fringed willowherb, Northern willow herb, American willow herb.
Generic common name: FIREWEED, WILLOW HERB.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, intermittent streambed, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Epilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatum


Rose Evening Primrose *
Oenothera rosea

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: pink evening primrose, rose sundrops.
Generic common name: EVENING PRIMROSE.

Location: Triunfo Canyon Park: Triunfo Canyon Road margin, August 2008.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

A cultivated species occasionally escaped near landscaping.

Thumbnail Picture of Oenothera rosea


Mexican Evening Primrose *
Oenothera speciosa

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: pinkladies.
Generic common name: EVENING PRIMROSE.

Location: Westlake Road shoulder: riparian woodland, June 2007.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Oenothera speciosa


Scarlet Beeblossom
Oenothera suffrutescens

TJM1: Gaura coccinea.

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: wild honeysuckle, linda tarde, scarlet gaura.
Generic common name: EVENING PRIMROSE.

Location: Rancho Sierra Vista/Satwiwa: valley grassland, Sept 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Oenothera suffrutescens


Drummond's Gaura *
Oenothera xenogaura

TJM1: Gaura drummondii.

Family: Onagraceae (EVENING PRIMROSE).
Other common names: Drummond's beeblossom.
Generic common name: EVENING PRIMROSE.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Phantom Trail, disturbed trail margin near landscaping, Aug 2011.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Summer.

Note: has NOXIOUS WEED status.

Thumbnail Picture of Oenothera xenogaura

Family Orchidaceae (Magnoliopsida | Lilianae | Asparagales)


Stream Orchid
Epipactis gigantea

Family: Orchidaceae (ORCHID).
Other common names: giant helleborine, chatterbox.
Generic common name: HELLEBORINE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: riparian woodland, May 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Large, Clusters, Solitary, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Epipactis gigantea

Family Orobanchaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Lamiales)


Parish's broomrape
Aphyllon parishii 

TJM1: Orobanche parishii.
TJM2: Orobanche parishii.
F N A: Orobanche parishii.
A N F: Orobanche parishii.

Family: Orobanchaceae (BROOMRAPE).
Generic common name: BROOMRAPE.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: coastal sage scrub, June 2012.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Aphyllon parishii


Chaparral Broomrape
Aphyllon tuberosum 

TJM1: Orobanche bulbosa.
TJM2: Orobanche bulbosa.
F N A: Orobanche bulbosa.
A N F: Orobanche bulbosa.

Family: Orobanchaceae (BROOMRAPE).
Generic common name: BROOMRAPE.

Location: Ahmanson Ranch: burned valley grassland, June 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Host: Adenostoma fasciculatum.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Aphyllon tuberosum


Hillside Broomrape
Aphyllon vallicolum 

TJM1: Orobanche vallicola.
TJM2: Orobanche vallicola.
F N A: Orobanche vallicola.
A N F: Orobanche vallicola.

Family: Orobanchaceae (BROOMRAPE).
Other common names: valley broom rape.
Generic common name: BROOMRAPE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: oak woodland, August 2007.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Summer.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Aphyllon vallicolum


Indian Paintbrush
Castilleja affinis ssp. affinis

Family: Orobanchaceae (BROOMRAPE), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: coast Indian paintbrush.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Serrano Road shoulder, chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Large, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Castilleja affinis ssp. affinis


Purple Owl's Clover
Castilleja exserta ssp. exserta

Family: Orobanchaceae (BROOMRAPE), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: exserted Indian paintbrush.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, sage scrub, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Castilleja exserta ssp. exserta


Woolly Paintbrush
Castilleja foliolosa

Family: Orobanchaceae (BROOMRAPE), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: Texas Indian paintbrush, woolly Indian paintbrush.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Serrano Canyon Trail, sage scrub, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Castilleja foliolosa


Annual Paintbrush
Castilleja minor ssp. spiralis

Family: Orobanchaceae (BROOMRAPE), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: lesser Indian paintbrush, little paintbrush, annual Indian paintbrush, California threadtorch.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Castilleja minor ssp. spiralis


Salt Marsh Bird's-Beak
Chloropyron maritimum ssp. maritimum

TJM1: Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. maritimus.

Family: Orobanchaceae (BROOMRAPE), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Generic common name: SALTY BIRD'S-BEAK.

Location: Ormond Beach West, Coastal Salt Marsh, May 2013.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Status:  C N P S  List 1B.2
Photographed slightly out of range, but expected to occur in range.

Thumbnail Picture of Chloropyron maritimum ssp. maritimum


Indian Warrior
Pedicularis densiflora

Family: Orobanchaceae (BROOMRAPE), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Generic common name: LOUSEWORT.

Location: Arroyo Sequit: entrance road, chaparral, Jan 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Pedicularis densiflora

Family Oxalidaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Oxalidales)


Rose Oxalis *
Oxalis articulata ssp. rubra

TJM1: Oxalis rubra.
F N A: Oxalis articulata.

Family: Oxalidaceae (OXALIS).
Other common names: windowbox wood-sorrel, red oxalis.
Generic common name: WOODSORREL, OXALIS.

Location: Soka University: May 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Cultivar occasionally escaped near landscaping.

Thumbnail Picture of Oxalis articulata ssp. rubra

Family Paeoniaceae (Magnoliopsida | Saxifraganae | Saxifragales)


California Peony
Paeonia californica

Family: Paeoniaceae (PEONY).
Generic common name: PEONY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, chaparral, Feb 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Paeonia californica

Family Papaveraceae (Magnoliopsida | Ranunculanae | Ranunculales)


Bleeding Heart
Ehrendorferia ochroleuca

TJM1: Dicentra ochroleuca.

Family: Papaveraceae (POPPY).
Other common names: yellow bleeding heart, ear-drops.
Generic common name: GOLDEN EARDROPS.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, sage scrub, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Ehrendorferia ochroleuca


California Poppy
Eschscholzia californica

Family: Papaveraceae (POPPY).
Generic common name: CALIFORNIA POPPY.

Location: Backbone Trail between Zuma Ridge Trail and Kanan Trailhead: chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Eschscholzia californica


Fire Poppy
Papaver californicum

Family: Papaveraceae (POPPY).
Other common names: western poppy.
Generic common name: POPPY.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Papaver californicum


Wind Poppy
Papaver heterophyllum

TJM1: Stylomecon heterophylla.

Family: Papaveraceae (POPPY).
Generic common name: POPPY.

Location: Triunfo Canyon Park: grassland, April 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Papaver heterophyllum


Corn Poppy *
Papaver rhoeas

Family: Papaveraceae (POPPY).
Other common names: field poppy, Flanders poppy.
Generic common name: POPPY.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: weedy oak woodland near Crags Road, May 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

This occurrence likely the result of hikers spreading seeds from commercial flower packets. There were other non-native cultivars in the area including other species of poppies.

Thumbnail Picture of Papaver rhoeas

Family Phrymaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Lamiales)


Bush Monkey Flower
Diplacus longiflorus 

TJM1: Mimulus aurantiacus.
TJM2: Mimulus aurantiacus.
A N F: Mimulus aurantiacus.

Family: Phrymaceae (LOPSEED), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: sticky monkey flower, island monkeyflower.
Generic common name: MONKEYFLOWER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, chaparral, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Red, Large, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Our plants key into a number of different subspecies which have not been enumerated here.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Diplacus longiflorus


Scarlet Monkey Flower
Erythranthe cardinalis 

TJM1: Mimulus cardinalis.
TJM2: Mimulus cardinalis.
A N F: Mimulus cardinalis.

Family: Phrymaceae (LOPSEED), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: cardinal monkey flower.
Generic common name: MONKEYFLOWER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, riparian woodland, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Erythranthe cardinalis

Family Phytolaccaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


American pokeweed *
Phytolacca americana

Family: Phytolaccaceae (POKEWEED).
Other common names: common pokeweed, pokeberry, inkberry, pigeonberry.
Generic common name: POKEWEED.

Location: Will Rogers State Historic Park: Backbone Trail, chaparral, Oct 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Summer, Fall.

Note: has NOXIOUS WEED status in some locations.

Thumbnail Picture of Phytolacca americana

Family Pinaceae (Pinopsida | Pinidae | Pinales)


Aleppo Pine *
Pinus halepensis ssp. halepensis

Family: Pinaceae (PINE).
Other common names: Jerusalem pine.
Generic common name: PINE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: main parking lot off of Yerba Buena Road, March 2011.

Characteristics: non-Native, Yellow, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

The Gymnosperms are technically not flowering plants.

Thumbnail Picture of Pinus halepensis ssp. halepensis

Family Plantaginaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Lamiales)


Rose Snapdragon
Antirrhinum thompsonii 

TJM1: Antirrhinum multiflorum.
TJM2: Antirrhinum multiflorum.
F N A: Sairocarpus multiflorus.
A N F: Sairocarpus multiflorus.

Family: Plantaginaceae (PLANTAIN), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: withered snapdragon, chaparral snapdragon, sticky snapdragon, bush snapdragon.
Generic common name: SNAPDRAGON.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Canyon View Trail, chaparral, July 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Antirrhinum thompsonii


Showy Island Snapdragon
Gambelia speciosa

TJM1: Galvezia speciosa.

Family: Plantaginaceae (PLANTAIN), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: showy greenbright, galvezia.
Generic common name: GREENBRIGHT.

Location: Malibu Lagoon State Beach: trailside near salt marsh, Dec 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Winter.

Thumbnail Picture of Gambelia speciosa


Heart-leaved Penstemon
Keckiella cordifolia

Family: Plantaginaceae (PLANTAIN), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: heartleaf keckiella, climbing penstemon, scarlet-honeysuckle, honeysuckle penstemon.
Generic common name: KECKIELLA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Yerba Buena Road shoulder, chaparral, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Keckiella cordifolia


Fluellin *
Kickxia elatine

Family: Plantaginaceae (PLANTAIN), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: sharpleaf cancerwort, sharp leaved fluellin, sharp point fluellin.
Generic common name: FLUELLIN, CANCERWORT.

Location: Mulholland Highway: disturbed margin, June 2005.

Characteristics: non-Native, Yellow, Red, Blue, Medium, Solitary, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Kickxia elatine


Morrocan Toadflax
Linaria maroccana

Family: Plantaginaceae (PLANTAIN).
Generic common name: TOADFLAX.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, thin soiled grassland, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Yellow, Red, Blue, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Garden escapee, probably deliberately spread by hikers.

Thumbnail Picture of Linaria maroccana


Scarlet Bugler
Penstemon centranthifolius

Family: Plantaginaceae (PLANTAIN), Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Generic common name: BEARDTONGUE, PENSTEMON.

Location: Backbone Trail between Latigo and Corral Trailheads: oak woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Penstemon centranthifolius

Family Platanaceae (Magnoliopsida | Proteanae | Proteales)


Western Sycamore
Platanus racemosa

Family: Platanaceae (SYCAMORE).
Other common names: California sycamore, aliso, planetree.
Generic common name: SYCAMORE, PLANE TREE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, riparian woodland, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Platanus racemosa

Family Polemoniaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Ericales)


Stinky Gilia
Allophyllum glutinosum

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: sticky false gilia, sticky false gilyflower.
Generic common name: FALSE GILYFLOWER.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Cistern Trail, chaparral, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Allophyllum glutinosum


Threadleaf Wool-star
Eriastrum filifolium

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: lavender woollystar, lavender eriastrum.
Generic common name: WOOLLYSTAR.

Location: La Purisima Mission SHP: coastal sage scrub, June 2012.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

Photographed out of range.
If you see this in or near the SMM floristic region we'd like to know.

Thumbnail Picture of Eriastrum filifolium


Purplespot Gilia
Gilia clivorum

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: many stemmed gilia.
Generic common name: GILIA.

Location: Peter Strauss Ranch: disturbed area adjacent to the lawn, March 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Gilia clivorum


Whisker Brush
Leptosiphon ciliatus

TJM1: Linanthus ciliatus.

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: whisker linanthus.
Generic common name: LEPTOSIPHON.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, grassy slope, May 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

New find for the Santa Monica Mountains, Spring 2009.

Thumbnail Picture of Leptosiphon ciliatus


Flax-flowered Linanthus
Leptosiphon liniflorus

TJM1: Linanthus liniflorus.

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: narrowflower flaxflower.
Generic common name: LEPTOSIPHON.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, chaparral, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Leptosiphon liniflorus


Prickly Phlox
Linanthus californicus

TJM1: Leptodactylon californicum.

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: California prickly phlox.
Generic common name: LINANTHUS.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Sandstone Peak Trail, chaparral, March 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring.

At the time these plants were identified and photographed, The Jepson Manual had not split Linanthus californicus into subspecies. Although most of the plants in these photos would likely now be identified as L. californicus ssp. californicus, there is a significant chance that some would be identifed as L. californicus ssp. glandulosus. See the note in A N F for a discussion of this.

Thumbnail Picture of Linanthus californicus


Linanthus dianthiflorus

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: fringed linanthus.
Generic common name: LINANTHUS.

Location: Triunfo Canyon Park: Pentachaeta Trail, chaparral, March 2005.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Medium, Large, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Linanthus dianthiflorus


Slender Phlox
Microsteris gracilis

TJM1: Phlox gracilis.

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: microsteris, beggar's gilia, annual phlox.
Generic common name: PHLOX.

Location: Triunfo Canyon Park: rocky slope, May 2007.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Microsteris gracilis


Hooked Navarretia
Navarretia hamata ssp. hamata

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: hooked pincushionplant.
Generic common name: PINCUSHIONPLANT.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: China Flat Trail, burned chaparral, May 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Navarretia hamata ssp. hamata


Slender-flowered Hooked Navarretia
Navarretia hamata ssp. leptantha

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Generic common name: PINCUSHIONPLANT.

Location: Los Robles Open Space: disturbed trail margin in oak woodland and chaparral, July 2010.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Navarretia hamata ssp. leptantha


Bridges' Pincushionplant
Navarretia leptalea

TJM1: Gilia leptalea.

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: Bridges' gilia.
Generic common name: PINCUSHIONPLANT.

Location: Triunfo Creek Park: Amid scree of north-facing rocky slope above Triunfo Cyn Rd, March 2010.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Tentative ID
The use of the Jepson identification keys on this plant is not straight-forward and consequently there are a number of issues with this ID, even at the level of Genus. Making matters more difficult this plant cannot be found every year and therefore has not been seen frequently. The pictures shown here are from two small populations located about 700 yards apart in Triunfo Creek Park, both in full sun on thin rocky soils of north-facing slopes. The pictures from population 1, located near Triunfo Canyon Road, were photographed between mid-March and mid-April of 2010. Population 2, located below the east security fence of the Las Virgenes Reservoir, were photographed in early April of 2019. It is worth noting that the 2019 plants would have been influenced by nutrients released by the November 2018 Woolsey fire, and indeed, we saw other species in the vicinity that were quite large and robust compared to more typical years.

From the note in A N F under the genus Gilia regarding population 1:

NB. There is considerable variation in gilias within range, from site to site and between good and poor rain years, so it is still unclear how many species and subspecies should be listed. For example, in 2010 a population was discovered by SMMNRA staff growing in full sun on a rocky slope along Triumfo Canyon Road in Westlake Village (SMM), occurring with many other native herbs on very thin soil. It has 3-seeded capsules and resembles Gilia but could also be a non-spinescent species of Navarretia, e.g., N. leptalea (A. Gray) L. A. Johnson; unfortunately, the plant has not appeared in subsequent dry years, and needs to be studied more carefully. This unidentified polemon has dark lavender to pink corolla lobes, light violet filaments ca. 0.8 mm long having light blue anthers, and an included pistil with the stigmas positioned several millimeters below the anthers.

And in A N F under Navarretia:

NB. Populations of Navarretia throughout the range need much more study to sort out identifications and degree of variability. Problems to studying this group include the oddity that this group blooms during the dry season, when botanist tend not to be out collecting plants in southern California. Populations are also small and widely dispersed, and are undependable as to in what year they will germinate. Materials from range until now have not received much notice, whereas our populations may provide insight into how broadly species should be defined.

Thumbnail Picture of Navarretia leptalea


Honey-scented Pincushionplant
Navarretia mellita

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: honey-scented navarretia.
Generic common name: PINCUSHIONPLANT.

Location: Circle X Ranch: near the backbone trail, open thin-soiled bare areas within chaparral, May 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Navarretia mellita


Splendid Gilia
Saltugilia splendens ssp. splendens

TJM1: Gilia splendens ssp. splendens.

Family: Polemoniaceae (PHLOX).
Other common names: woodland gilia, grand gilia.
Generic common name: SALTUGILIA.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: Sheep Corral Trail, burned chaparral, April 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Saltugilia splendens ssp. splendens

Family Polygalaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Fabales)


Fish's Milkwort
Rhinotropis cornuta var. fishiae 

TJM1: Polygala cornuta var. fishiae.
TJM2: Polygala cornuta var. fishiae.
A N F: Polygala cornuta var. fishiae.

Family: Polygalaceae (MILKWORT).
Other common names: Sierra milkwort.
Generic common name: MILKWORT, POLYGALA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, oak woodland, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.3.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Rhinotropis cornuta var. fishiae

Family Polygonaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Turkish Rugging
Chorizanthe staticoides

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Generic common name: SPINEFLOWER.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, sage scrub, May 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Chorizanthe staticoides


Anglestem Buckwheat
Eriogonum angulosum

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Generic common name: WILD BUCKWHEAT, BUCKWHEAT.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: Cheeseboro Ridge Trail, burned valley grassland, May 2006.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Eriogonum angulosum


Ashy Leaf Buckwheat
Eriogonum cinereum

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: coastal buckwheat, grey coast eriogonum.
Generic common name: WILD BUCKWHEAT, BUCKWHEAT.

Location: Deer Creek Road shoulder: sage scrub, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Eriogonum cinereum


Santa Ynez Wild Buckwheat
Eriogonum cithariforme var. agninum

TJM1: Eriogonum cithariforme.

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: cithara wild buckwheat.
Generic common name: WILD BUCKWHEAT, BUCKWHEAT.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Tapia Spur Trail, chaparral, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Eriogonum cithariforme var. agninum


Wand Buckwheat
Eriogonum elongatum var. elongatum

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: long-stem wild buckwheat.
Generic common name: WILD BUCKWHEAT, BUCKWHEAT.

Location: Rocky Oaks: Rocky Oaks Loop Trail, sage scrub, Sept 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Eriogonum elongatum var. elongatum


California Buckwheat
Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: Eastern Mojave buckwheat, coastal California buckwheat, leafy California buckwheat.
Generic common name: WILD BUCKWHEAT, BUCKWHEAT.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Grotto Trail, sage scrub, Feb 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Sometimes intermediate between other varieties.

Thumbnail Picture of Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum


Sea-cliff Buckwheat
Eriogonum parvifolium

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: dune eriogonum.
Generic common name: WILD BUCKWHEAT, BUCKWHEAT.

Location: Leo Carrillo State Park: coastal strand, July 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Eriogonum parvifolium


California Chorizanthe
Mucronea californica

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: California spineflower.
Generic common name: SPINEFLOWER.

Location: Cabrillo National Monument: sandy slopes on the ocean side of the peninsula, April 2009.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2

Photographed out of range.
If you see this in or near the SMM floristic region we'd like to know.

Thumbnail Picture of Mucronea californica


Water Smartweed
Persicaria amphibia

TJM1: Polygonum amphibium var. emersum.

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: swamp knotweed, longroot smartweed.
Generic common name: SMARTWEED.

Location: Rocky Oaks: Rocky Oaks Pond, pond aquatic, Sept 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Persicaria amphibia


Lady's Thumb *
Persicaria maculosa

TJM1: Polygonum persicaria.

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: spotted ladysthumb.
Generic common name: SMARTWEED.

Location: Calleguas Creek: sandbar near CSUCI, July 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Persicaria maculosa


Thread Stem
Pterostegia drymarioides

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: pterostegia, fairy mist, woodland pterostegia, granny's hair-net, woodland threadstem.
Generic common name: PTEROSTEGIA.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Yellow, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Pterostegia drymarioides


Sheep Sorrel *
Rumex acetosella

Family: Polygonaceae (BUCKWHEAT).
Other common names: field sorrel.
Generic common name: DOCK.

Location: Topanga State Park, Trippet Ranch: Eagle Springs Road, disturbed grassland, April 2011.

Characteristics: non-Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Rumex acetosella

Family Primulaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Ericales)


Shooting Star
Primula clevelandii 

TJM1: Dodecatheon clevelandii.
TJM2: Dodecatheon clevelandii.
F N A: Dodecatheon clevelandii.
A N F: Dodecatheon clevelandii.

Family: Primulaceae (PRIMROSE).
Other common names: padre's shootingstar.
Generic common name: PRIMROSE, SHOOTING STAR.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Backbone Trail, sage scrub, Feb 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring.

Possible that forms similar to other varieties may be encountered.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Thumbnail Picture of Primula clevelandii

Family Ranunculaceae (Magnoliopsida | Ranunculanae | Ranunculales)


Scarlet Larkspur
Delphinium cardinale

Family: Ranunculaceae (BUTTERCUP).
Other common names: cardinal larkspur.
Generic common name: LARKSPUR.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Mishe Mokwa Trail, chaparral, June 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Delphinium cardinale

Family Rosaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Rosales)


California Wild Rose
Rosa californica

Family: Rosaceae (ROSE).
Other common names: California rose.
Generic common name: ROSE.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Serrano Canyon Trail, riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Rosa californica


Himalayan blackberry *
Rubus armeniacus

TJM1: Rubus discolor.

Family: Rosaceae (ROSE).
Other common names: Himalaya-berry.
Generic common name: BLACKBERRY, RASPBERRY.

Location: Rocky Oaks: west end beyond the Rocky Oaks Loop Trail, riparian woodland, June 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Large, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Late Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Thumbnail Picture of Rubus armeniacus

Family Rubiaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Gentianales)


Wall Bedstraw *
Galium parisiense

Family: Rubiaceae (BEDSTRAW).
Generic common name: BEDSTRAW, CLEAVERS.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Triunfo Backbone Trail, disturbed trail margin in chaparral, April 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Galium parisiense


Field Madder *
Sherardia arvensis

Family: Rubiaceae (BEDSTRAW).
Other common names: blue fieldmadder.
Generic common name: FIELD MADDER, SPURWORT.

Location: Cabrillo National Monument: April 2009.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Sherardia arvensis

Family Rutaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Sapindales)


Cape Chestnut *
Calodendrum capense

TJM1: Not Listed.
TJM2: Not Listed.

Family: Rutaceae (RUE).
Generic common name: CALODENDRUM.

Location: Vacant lot near Malibu Lagoon, Feb 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Calodendrum capense

Family Salicaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Malpighiales)


Black Cottonwood
Populus trichocarpa

TJM1: Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa.

Family: Salicaceae (WILLOW).
Generic common name: POPLAR, COTTONWOOD, ASPEN.

Location: Malibu Creek near Malibu Canyon Road: riparian woodland, Feb 2010.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Populus trichocarpa

Family Saxifragaceae (Magnoliopsida | Saxifraganae | Saxifragales)


Coast Boykinia
Boykinia occidentalis

Family: Saxifragaceae (SAXIFRAGE).
Other common names: western boykinia, coastal brookfoam.
Generic common name: BROOKFOAM.

Location: Santa Ynez Canyon: near Santa Ynez Canyon Trail, rock wall at streamside, Aug 2009.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Boykinia occidentalis

Family Scrophulariaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Lamiales)


California Figwort
Scrophularia californica

Family: Scrophulariaceae (FIGWORT).
Other common names: bee plant.
Generic common name: FIGWORT.

Location: Backbone Trail between Latigo and Corral Trailheads: riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Small, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Scrophularia californica

Family Solanaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Solanales)


Datura wrightii

Family: Solanaceae (NIGHTSHADE, POTATO).
Other common names: sacred thorn-apple, toluaca, toloache, western Jimsonweed, hairy thorn-apple, devils trumpet.
Generic common name: JIMSON WEED, THORN-APPLE.

Location: Mulholland Highway roadside: chaparral, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Blue, Large, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Datura wrightii


California Desert Thorn
Lycium californicum

Family: Solanaceae (NIGHTSHADE, POTATO).
Other common names: California boxthorn.
Generic common name: BOX THORN.

Location: Cabrillo National Monument: coastal bluffs, Jan 2010.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Solitary, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 4.2
Photographed out of range.
If you see this in or near the SMM floristic region we'd like to know.

Thumbnail Picture of Lycium californicum

Family Tamaricaceae (Magnoliopsida | Caryophyllanae | Caryophyllales)


Saltcedar *
Tamarix ramosissima

Family: Tamaricaceae (TAMARISK).
Other common names: tamarisk.
Generic common name: TAMARISK.

Location: Marvin Braude Mulholland Gateway Park: Reseda Blvd disturbed margin, April 2008.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Thumbnail Picture of Tamarix ramosissima

Family Tropaeolaceae (Magnoliopsida | Rosanae | Brassicales)


Nasturtium *
Tropaeolum majus

Family: Tropaeolaceae (NASTURTIUM).
Other common names: garden nasturtium.
Generic common name: NASTURTIUM.

Location: Solstice Canyon: Solstice Canyon Trail, oak woodland, June 2004.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Large, Solitary, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Winter, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Fall.

Thumbnail Picture of Tropaeolum majus

Family Valerianaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Dipsacales)


Red Valerian *
Centranthus ruber

Family: Valerianaceae (VALERIAN).
Other common names: Jupiter's beard.
Generic common name: CENTRANTHUS.

Location: Las Flores Road margin, vertical road cut, April 2008.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring.

A cultivated species occasionally escaped near urban landscaping.

Thumbnail Picture of Centranthus ruber


Long-spurred Plectritic
Plectritis ciliosa

Family: Valerianaceae (VALERIAN).
Other common names: longspur seablush.
Generic common name: SEABLUSH.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: valley grassland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Thumbnail Picture of Plectritis ciliosa

Family Verbenaceae (Magnoliopsida | Asteranae | Lamiales)


Weeping Lantana *
Lantana montevidensis

Family: Verbenaceae (VERVAIN).
Other common names: trailing shrubverbena, trailing lantana.
Generic common name: LANTANA.

Location: Disturbed roadsides and waste areas, Feb 2010.

Characteristics: non-Native, Red, Blue, Medium, Clusters, Odd, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Lantana montevidensis


Bigbract Verbena
Verbena bracteata

Family: Verbenaceae (VERVAIN).
Other common names: bracted verbena, prostrate vervain.
Generic common name: VERVAIN.

Location: Day Canyon: drying bottom and margin of an ephemeral pool, July 2011.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Annual, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Verbena bracteata


Common Vervain
Verbena lasiostachys var. scabrida

Family: Verbenaceae (VERVAIN).
Other common names: vervain, common verbena, western verbena.
Generic common name: VERVAIN.

Location: Point Mugu State Park: Big Sycamore Canyon Trail, oak woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, Red, Blue, Small, Clusters, Odd, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer.

Thumbnail Picture of Verbena lasiostachys var. scabrida

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