A N F  Keys

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Genera Keys of



Agoseris Raf.


1 Perennial herb; involucre densely soft-hairy and often woolly at base; pappus at anthesis 6−7.5 mm long; stamens ± 1.3 mm long; beak of cypsela 13−17 mm long .. Agoseris grandiflora var. grandiflora   [pics]

1' Annual; involucre glabrous to sparsely hairy; pappus at anthesis 2.5−3.3 mm long; stamens 2.6−2.9+ mm long; beak of cypsela 5−11 mm long .. Agoseris heterophylla var. heterophylla


Ambrosia L.


1 Leaves pinnately toothed to 1-pinnately lobed; fruiting involucre not burlike, unarmed or with a single row of tubercles below the single beak, 2−3 mm long .. Ambrosia psilostachya   [pics]

1' Leaves 1-pinnately lobed to 4-pinnately lobed; fruiting involucre with 8+ spines below the 1−4 beaks

2 Annuals; fruits densely covered with flattened radiating spines 2−4 mm long .. Ambrosia acanthicarpa   [pics]

2' Perennials

3 Plants moundlike, prostrate and decumbent on coastal dunes; foliage silvery canescent; burs 8−10 mm long .. Ambrosia chamissonis   [pics]

3' Plants erect; not present on coastal dunes; foliage green to gray-green; fruits 2.5−4 mm long .. Ambrosia confertiflora


Artemisia L.


1 Shrubs

2 Blades linear or with to 6 linear lobes, 12−70 mm long; involucre 3−4 mm wide with 6−10 pistillate peripheral flowers and 9−35 bisexual central flowers all nonshowy .. Artemisia californica   [pics]

2' Blades oblanceolate short 3-lobed at top; involucre 1.5−2.2 mm wide with (1−)4−6 yellow, bisexual discoid flowers .. Artemisia tridentata subsp. parishii   [pics]

1' Perennial herbs

3 Blades linear to lanceolate or oblong, 10−65 × 1.5−7 mm; heads with 5−6 pistillate peripheral flowers and 7−13(−25) staminate central flowers; phyllaries glabrous .. Artemisia dracunculus   [pics]

3' Blades lobed, mostly > 50 mm long; heads with 6 or more pistillate peripheral flowers and several−many bisexual central flowers

4 Blades ovate in outline and 1−2-pinnately dissected, 40−90+ mm long, surface green to yellow-green; heads erect, with glabrous phyllaries .. Artemisia biennis

4' Blades elliptic to widely oblanceolate with 3−5 lobes, 90−175 mm long, upper surface dark green and lower surface whitish gray and densely matted woolly; heads nodding, with tomentose and pubescent phyllaries .. Artemisia douglasiana   [pics]


Baccharis L.


1 Shoots often arching and wandlike, having at least some curly or shaggy brown nonglandular hairs, with yellowish green glandular hairs but never resinous; cypselae 2.4−3+ mm long, with 60+ pappus bristles

2 Blades lanceolate or oblanceolate to elliptic, 15−70 × 2.5−14 mm, serrate base-to-tip with > 15 teeth per edge, 3-veined at base; peduncle ridged and hairy; heads 19−26-flowered and involucre 6−7 mm long (staminate) and 20−30-flowered and involucre 8−8.5 mm long (pistillate); ovary wedge-shaped, style branches ± 1.5 mm long; corolla tube whitish below midpoint .. Baccharis plummerae subsp. plummerae   [pics]

2' Blades linear, 15−70 × 1−3(−8) mm, remotely toothed with several teeth above midblade, 1-veined at base; peduncle lacking ridges and glabrate; heads 6−36-flowered and involucre 5.5−6 mm long (staminate) and 29−38-flowered and involucre 6−6.5 mm long (pistillate); ovary ± cylindric, style branches < 1 mm long; corolla tube green below midpoint .. Baccharis malibuensis   [pics]

1' Shoots mostly ascending to erect, essentially lacking nonglandular hairs (occasional hairs in B. salicifolia), with glandular hairs in pits and tending to be resinous; cypselae 0.6−2 mm long, with 15−45 pappus bristles

3 Blades entire to remotely toothed on margins, most leaves lanceolate to elliptic

4 Shrubs, distinctly woody; blades resinous but not drying black-dotted; fertile anthers with appendages 1.5−2 mm long; pappus of 20−25 bristles 4−4.5 mm long (staminate); corolla of pistillate flower 2.5−3.3 mm long .. Baccharis salicifolia subsp. salicifolia   [pics]

4' Subshrubs, dying back to rhizome; blades viscid drying black-dotted; fertile anthers with appendages ± 1 mm long; pappus of 13−20 bristles 2.6−3 mm long (staminate); corolla of pistillate flower 2 mm long .. Baccharis glutinosa   [pics]

3' Blades mostly serrate, with at least several obvious teeth, most leaves oblanceolate to oblong

5 Leafy evergreen shrubs; blades with to 13 teeth present base to tip; staminate heads with scattered bractlets (paleae) on receptacle; pollen white, pappus bristle on staminate flowers 3.5−4 mm long; pistillate heads 45−65-flowered .. Baccharis pilularis subsp. consanguinea   [pics]

5' Shrubs with flexible green young stems and small leaves or appearing somewhat leafless; blades with < 6 teeth present only above midblade; staminate heads lacking bractlets on receptacle; pollen bright yellow, pappus bristles on staminate flowers 3 mm long; pistillate heads ± 26-flowered .. Baccharis sarothroides × B. pilularis   [pics]


Bidens L.


1 Leaves simple and sessile; heads showy, 40−65 mm across, with 7−13 bright yellow ray flowers (neuter); corolla of ray flowers 15−29 × 6−13 mm .. Bidens laevis   [pics]

1' Leaves pinnately 3- or 5-foliolate or -lobed and petiolate; heads not showy, to 12 mm across when with only disc flowers, ray flowers, if present, white

2 Plants typically with a pair of branches at each node; blades short-hairy becoming glabrescent; bracts of calyculus 6.5−24 mm long, conspicuously unequal with some appearing leafy; corolla of disc flower 4−5 mm long; cypselae of disc flowers to 7.5 mm long .. Bidens frondosa   [pics]

2' Plants not with regular branching; blades short-strigose to short-villous on lower surface; bracts of calyculus 2.5−5 mm long, equal and linear to spatulate; corolla of disc flower ca. 2 mm long; cypselae of disc flowers 7.5−13(−16) mm long, of ray flowers 3−5 mm long .. Bidens pilosa   [pics]


Brickellia Ell.


1 Leaves petiolate, blades generally 20−40 mm long, green; heads clustered on lateral branchlets; involucre narrowly cylindric < 3 mm wide, outer phyllaries puberulent and appressed .. Brickellia californica   [pics]

1' Leaves sessile, blades 6−18 mm long, gray-white woolly; heads solitary and terminal on each branchlet; involucre subcylindric > 4 mm wide, outer phyllaries white-woolly and spreading to reflexed .. Brickellia nevinii   [pics]


Centaurea L.


1 Corolla bright yellow

2 Shoots with leaves to 250 mm long armed with weak spines and stems lacking decurrent wings; heads sessile or subsessile, subtended by large, leaflike bracts at principal forks .. Centaurea benedicta

2' Shoots with leaves < 150 mm long, unarmed and with photosynthetic decurrent wings on stems; heads in terminal, open arrays lacking leafleaf bracts; spines only on involucre

3 Vertical wings on stems 1−2.5 mm wide; involucre at antheis 13−17 mm wide, long spines on phyllaries 10−25 mm long and yellow to straw-colored .. Centaurea solstitialis   [pics]

3' Vertical wings on stems mostly 3−6 mm wide; involucre at anthesis 10−12 mm wide, long spines on phyllaries < 10 mm long and reddish purple .. Centaurea melitensis   [pics]

1' Corolla lavender purple, blue, violet-blue, or light purple (white)

4 Spines absent on shoots and inflorescences; heads with 13−18 showy, bilateral, sterile marginal flowers, typically blue .. Centaurea cyanus   [pics]

4' Spines present on phyllaries of involucre; heads 5−8 ± radial, sterile marginal flowers, typically purple .. Centaurea calcitrapa   [pics]


NB. Centaurea benedicta (L.) L., BLESSED THISTLE, may be present on a restricted area in SH, but fertile material was not obtained during the study to confirm its presence in range and to describe the species for this treatment.


Chaenactis DC.


1 Plants 10−150(−200) cm tall; leaves 70−180 mm long, 1-pinnately compound with leaflets 2−3-pinnately dissected and ± 3-dimensional having lobes arching above the leaf plane, glandular-hairy and resinous-smelling; corollas white; pappus lacking .. Chaenactis artemisiifolia   [pics]

1' Plants to 55 cm tall; leaves to 80 mm long, 1−2 pinnately divided and foliage with scattered glandular hairs because woolly hair; corollas yellow; pappus mostly of 4 scales to 4 mm long .. Chaenactis glabriuscula var. glabriuscula   [pics]


Cirsium Miller


(In Progress)


.. Cirsium brevistylum


.. Cirsium occidentale var. californicum   [pics]


.. Cirsium occidentale var. coulteri   [pics]


.. Cirsium occidentale var. occidentale   [pics]


.. Cirsium vulgare   [pics]


Cotula L.


1 Shoots pilose to villous, stems slender with pinnately dissected leaves; heads 2.8−6 mm across, flowers yellowish; weedy annual .. Cotula australis   [pics]

1' Shoots glabrous, stems fleshy with lobed or toothed leaves having conspicuous closed sheaths; heads > 6 mm across, flowers bright yellow; brackish and freshwater shoreline perennial herb .. Cotula coronopifolia   [pics]


Deinandra Greene


1 Annuals, mostly 1-stemmed at base, 5−110 cm tall, with wiry stems; heads 8−17 mm across, with 5 ray flowers and typically 6 disc flowers, sets separated by bractlets (paleae) united as a 5-lobed cup; pappus scales on disc flowers, 0.5−1.2 mm long, white .. Deinandra fasciculata   [pics]

1' Low shrubs with annual shoots 35−140 mm long, with brittle stems; heads 15−22 mm across, with 5−21 ray flowers and 18−35 disc flowers, having several series of bractlets (paleae) but not united as a cup; pappus scales of disc flowers 1−2.5 mm long, tawny .. Deinandra minthornii   [pics]


Dimorphotheca Moench


1 Annuals; glandular hairs with black heads on phyllaries and approaching involucre; ray flowers glossy orange (bright yellow) with blackish violet or dark dray-green at base of limb; cypselae dimorphic and glabrous, wedge-shaped to club-shaped, 3-sided, and 3.5−4.7 mm long (ray flowers) and strongly flattened obovate to heart-shaped and 5.5−7.5 mm long (disc flowers) .. Dimorphotheca sinuata   [pics]

1' Trailing evergreen subshrubs; glandular hairs colorless or sometimes aging red approaching involucre; ray flowers mostly strong reddish purple, strong purple, or orchid (glistening white) and typically darker on lower surface of limb; cypselae monomorphic and rarely present, narrowly fusiform, 2−2.5 mm long, shallowly 10-ribbed with short hairs along ribs .. Dimorphotheca fruticosa   [pics]


Encelia Adans.


1 Leaves bright green, canescent with scattered short, appressed hairs, strongly aromatic when crushed; heads most solitary on long peduncles; ray flowers 9-27, disc flowers dark purple; cypselae 4.5-6.5 mm long .. Encelia californica   [pics]

1' Leaves most grayish green, densely tomentose, faintly aromatic when crushed; heads in arrays of 3-9; ray flowers in range 8-10, disc flowers orange-yellow; cypselae 3-5 mm long .. Encelia farinosa   [pics]


Ericameria Nutt.


1 Heads showy with spreading bright yellow limbs of ray flowers, 16−32 mm across, on peduncles 50−70 mm long generally lacking bracts; involucre 10−18 mm wide, phyllaries ± equal; limbs of ray flowers (7−)10.5−13 mm long; flowering during spring .. Ericameria linearifolia   [pics]

1' Heads yellow but rays flowers not conspicuous from a distance, 4−10 mm across, on peduncles < 30 mm long with several−many bracts; involucre < 7 mm wide, phyllaries unequal; limbs of ray flowers to 5 mm long; flowering summer or fall (also spring in E. pinifolia)

2 Shoots with tufts or arrays of axillary leaves; ray flowers 1−10

3 Axillary leaves few, helically alternate, and short; heads to 14-flowered with 1−3(−6) ray flowers and 6−8 disc flowers; phyllaries of inner 1−4 series < 1 mm wide .. Ericameria palmeri var. pachylepis   [pics]

3' Axillary leaves many, often displayed initially in planar, alternate distichous arrays; heads > 15-flowered; phyllaries of inner 1−4 series ≥ 1 mm wide

4 Leaves of main shoots (5.5−)20−40 × 0.6−0.9 mm, leaves in flat arrays later diverging in various directions; involucre subtended by many phyllarylike bracts from peduncle to base of involucre; heads with 3−15 ray flowers and 11−15 disc flowers .. Ericameria pinifolia   [pics]

4' Leaves of main shoots 4−16 × 0.5−0.7 mm; flat arrays ± persisting until axillary shoot grows out; involucre subtended by few phyllarylike bracts; heads with 2−6 ray flowers and 5−14 disc flowers .. Ericameria ericoides   [pics]

2' Shoots lacking axillary leaves; ray flowers absent

5 Shoots whitish to yellow tomentose with matted hairs, appearing somewhat grayish, nearly leafless most of the year; involucre long-cylindric with phyllaries stacked in 5 vertical rows; heads with only (4−)5−6 disc flowers; corolla 7−9.5 mm long; cypselae to 7.5 mm long with pappus bristles ± 7 mm long .. Ericameria nauseosa var. mohavensis   [pics]

5' Shoots glabrous to sparsely hairy, appearing green most of year; involucre obconic to short-cylindric with phyllaries helically alternate; heads with > 7disc flowers; cypselae 1.4−2.1 mm long with pappus bristles 2−5 mm long

6 Blades 9−45 × 0.7−1.1 mm; peduncles 1−5 mm long; locally heads with 8−10 disc flowers; corolla 4−5(−6) mm long; cypselae 0.5−0.7 mm wide .. Ericameria parishii var. parishii

6' Blades 19−73 × 3−12 mm; peduncles 1−15 mm long; heads with 12−18 disc flowers; corolla 3.7−4.1 mm long; cypselae 0.7−0.9 mm wide .. Ericameria arborescens   [pics]


Erigeron L.


1 Perennial herbs, sparsely short-hairy to nearly glabrous; heads radiate, with 15−48 showy, pistillate ray flowers and 50+ bisexual disc flowers; involucre 5−6(−7) mm wide; limb of ray flower pink-purple to light purple, lavender, or bluish lavender, lobes of disc flower yellow .. Erigeron foliosus var. foliosus   [pics]

1' Annuals, stiff-hairy; heads ± discoid, with many nonshowy, pistillate peripheral flowers and to 15 bisexual disc flowers; involucre 2.5−4 mm wide

2 Foliage densely short-hirsute and long-pubescent; heads at anthesis 3.5−4 mm across, with 100+ peripheral pistillate flowers and 6−15 central bisexual flowers; phyllaries lanceolate to narrowly triangular and ascending-pubescent along midvein; pappus bristles 3−3.7 mm long; corolla of central flower 3.2−3.3 mm long; pappus tawny in fruit displayed in a spheroid array 9−11 mm diameter .. Erigeron bonariensis   [pics]

2' Foliage sparsely stiff-strigose or hirsute; heads at anthesis ca. 3 mm across, with 24−40 peripheral pistillate flowers and 10−15 central bisexual flowers; phyllaries linear and glabrous or sparsely strigose along midvein; pappus bristles 2.2−2.7 mm long; corolla of central flower 2.2−2.8 mm long; pappus whitish in fruit displayed in a spheroid array ca. 8 mm diameter .. Erigeron canadensis   [pics]


Eriophyllum Lag.


1 Decumbent annuals, 2.5−5 cm tall; leaves to 8 × 4 mm, mostly 3-lobed above midblade; heads 3−4 mm across, with 5−7 ray flowers and 10−20 disc flowers; throat of disc flowers funnel-shaped; pappus of scales with fine tips .. Eriophyllum multicaule   [pics]

1' Subshrubs, 20−160 cm tall; leaves 10−50 mm long, deeply 1−2-pinnately lobed; heads 7−9 mm across, with (4−)5(−6) ray flowers and (10−)18−20(−35) disc flowers; throat of disc flowers nearly cylindric; pappus of scales mostly with jagged tips .. Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum   [pics]


Helianthus L.


1 Annuals; leaves in canopy helically alternate; blades broadly ovate to deltate, (35−)50−240 × (20−)30−180+ mm, with blade 1−2× petiole; heads 60−100+ mm across; involucre 18−70+ mm wide, with outer phyllaries 15−32 × 3−6(−10) mm; bractlets on receptacle (9−)12−15 mm long; filaments (fertile stamens) 4−4.5 mm long; cypselae (3−)4−6 × 2.3−2.7 mm, short-strigose to strigose .. Helianthus annuus   [pics]

1' Shrubs to subshrubs; leaves in canopy opposite and alternate; blades acuminate-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 25−130 × 6−35 mm, with petiole to 28 mm long; heads 35−75 mm across; involucre 10−20 mm wide, with outer phyllaries 3.2−7.5 × 1.4−3.5 mm; bractlets on receptacle 4−7(−9) mm long; filaments (fertile stamens) 1.5−2 mm long; cypselae 2.7−3.8 × 1.3−1.5 mm, ± glabrous .. Helianthus gracilentus   [pics]


Heterotheca Cass.


1 Annuals, often unbranched until canopy, having cauline leaves with clasping bases, the larger midstem blades 20−75(−90) × 5−35(−40) mm; heads 9−19 mm across, of 25−33 ray flowers and 20−40 disc flowers; corolla of ray flowers with limbs oblong, 5−6 × 1.2−1.5 mm; cypselae of ray flowers with minute appressed hairs and lacking pappus .. Heterotheca grandiflora   [pics]

1' Perennial herbs with several−many stems at base having cauline leaves without clasping bases, the larger leaves 8−45(−60) × 3−10 mm; heads 10−22 mm across, with 6−15 ray flowers and 20−50 disc flowers; corolla of ray flowers with limbs narrowly elliptic, 6.5−10.5 × 1.2−1.7 mm; cypselae of ray flowers silvery strigose and pappus of an outer whorl of slender scales and inner pappus of capillary bristles .. Heterotheca sessiliflora   [pics]


Hypochaeris L.


1 Heads 7−14 mm across in flower and spheroidal pappus array 40−45 mm across in fruit; cypselae of outer flowers lacking beak, of inner flowers beak 6.7−7.7 mm long; pappus bristles of outer flower 90−95, of inner flowers 35−44, outer whorl of pappus bristles on each fruit barbed .. Hypochaeris glabra   [pics]

1' Heads 5−7 mm across in flower and spheroidal pappus array 30−35 mm across in fruit; cypselae all having beaks 4−5.5 mm long; pappus bristles ca. 25, outer whorl of pappus bristles on each fruit lacking barbs .. Hypochaeris radicata   [pics]


Isocoma Nutt.


1 Shrubs spreading to prostrate on seabluffs, typically 20−40 cm tall; leaves somewhat fleshy; blades mostly obovate (oblanceolate), 7−23(−38) × 3−10.5 mm, dentate to serrate; pappus bristles 35−65 in 1 whorl, 1−4.3 mm long; corolla tube 1.7−2 mm long and throat 2.5−2.7 mm long .. Isocoma menziesii var. sedoides   [pics]

1' Shrubs and subshrubs ± erect, inland (above 50 m elevation); leaves not fleshy; corolla tube > 2.0 mm long

2 Blades mostly linear (oblanceolate to lanceolate), 6−30 × 1.3−7.2 mm, teeth < 5 and only approaching tip, essentially glabrous; corolla tube 2.6−3 mm and throat ca. 2.5 mm long; pappus bristles 40−50 in 2−3 whorls, 1−4.5 mm long .. Isocoma menziesii var. menziesii

2' Blades obovate to oblanceolate, 7−48 × 2−14 mm, coarsely serrate base-to-tip, conspicuously hairy; corolla tube 2.5−3.5 mm long and throat 1.5−2.5 mm long; pappus bristles 62−73 in 3 whorls, 0.7−6.5 mm long .. Isocoma menziesii var. vernonioides   [pics]


Lasthenia Cass.


1 Plants glandular-hairy, viscid, and sweetly scented; blades mostly deeply pinnately dissected (unlobed and linear on short individuals); involucre with phyllaries free; pappus .. Lasthenia coronaria   [pics]

1' Plants lacking glandular hairs and unscented; blades only unlobed and linear

2 Shoots essentially glabrous below and sparsely short-hairy upper portion and inflorescence; involucre with phyllaries fused at least 2/3, outer surface glabrous but with conspicuous ciliate lobe margins; pappus absent or reduced to tiny nobs .. Lasthenia glabrata subsp. coulteri   [pics]

2' Shoots ± short-hairy and sometimes conspicuously so on upper portion and peduncles; involucre with phyllaries not fused, short-hairy on outer surface; pappus of 0−9 awnlike scales ± 1.5 mm long .. Lasthenia californica subsp. californica   [pics]


Leptosyne DC.


1 Thick-stemmed shrubs resembling miniature trees; leaves feathery and somewhat fleshy, mostly 80−250 mm long, when crushed mildly aromatic; heads 50−70 mm across, with > 120 disc flowers .. Leptosyne gigantea   [pics]

1' Annuals; leaves finely dissected but not fleshy, < 80 mm long, when crushed not aromatic; heads < 50 mm across, with < 80 disc flowers

2 Plant essentially acaulous; leaves unlobed or having up to 3 threadlike lobes; heads only solitary, phyllaries 3.5−6.5 × 0.6−1.2 mm and aging dark reddish purple at tip; pappus absent or disc flower with 1−2 inconspicuous teeth, limb of ray flowers typically 6−7.7 × 5−5.5 mm; cypselae 3−4.5 mm long, yellowish to pale brown often with red dots or dashes .. Leptosyne californica   [pics]

2' Plant branched and each shoot terminated by an inflorescence; leaves usually 2-pinnately lobed with up to 7 primary lobes; heads solitary or in cymelike arrays, phyllaries 5−12 × 1.3−2 mm; pappus absent or more commonly with 2 teeth or erect scales (especially on disc flowers), limb of ray flowers 10−17 × 5.4−10 mm; cypselae 4.5−7 mm long, frosted brown to dark brown and of disc flowers with whitish ciliate hairs on margins while also fused with base of palea and falling together .. Leptosyne bigelovii   [pics]


Logfia Cass.


1 Blades ± awl-like, 20−30(−40 × 1−1.5(−2) mm; phyllaries 5, equal; bractlets (paleae) subtending pistillate peripheral flowers ± vertical arranged; on bisexual flowers tips of corolla brownish to yellow .. Logfia gallica   [pics]

1' Blades oblanceolate, 10−15(−20) × 2−3(−4) mm; phyllaries 0−5, unequal; bractlets (paleae) subtending pistillate peripheral flowers not vertically arranged ("spiral"); on bisexual flowers tips of corolla bright reddish to purplish .. Logfia filaginoides   [pics]


Madia Molina


1 Narrow-leaved, branched annuals, 5−30 cm tall; heads 4−5 mm across, with 5−8 ray flowers and 1(−2) disc flower; phyllaries ± 2 mm long, with conspicuous, stalked glandular hairs having golden yellow heads; corolla of ray flower 1.1−1.8 mm long, corolla of disc flowers 4-lobed; cypselae 1.5−2.2 mm long .. Madia exigua   [pics]

1' Annuals mostly with 1 principal stem; heads 6+ mm across, with 5+ disc flowers; phyllaries mostly 6+ mm long; corolla of disc flowers 5-lobed; cypselae 3−3.8 mm long

2 Blades 10−25(−40) × 0.7−2 mm; heads showy, 17−47 mm across; ray flowers with fan-shaped, lobed, bright yellow limbs (4−)7−19 × 5−7 mm; receptacle conspicuously straight-puberulent .. Madia elegans   [pics]

2' Blades 10−100+ × (1−)3+ mm; heads nonshowy, < 11 mm across; ray flowers with yellow to greenish yellow limbs < 6 mm long; receptacle glabrous

3 Flowering individual 35−210 cm tall, vegetative plant and inflorescence both densely glandular-pubescent and viscid; leaves ± concealing stem; head with 6−13 ray flowers and 12−36 disc flowers .. Madia sativa   [pics]

3' Flowering individual 10−110 cm tall, lower plant mostly pilose to hirsute and canopy glandular-pubescent; leaves not concealing stem, velveteen, and mostly not resinous; head with 3−8(−10) ray flowers and 5−22 disc flowers .. Madia gracilis   [pics]


Malacothrix DC.


1 Annuals, to 45 cm tall; heads 6.5−8 mm across, light yellow; outer pappus whorl of short, inconspicuous triangular scales plus 1 smooth bristle ± 4.5 mm long, inner pappus whorl of ca. 20 erect, soft, barbed bristles .. Malacothrix clevelandii   [pics]

1' Perennial herbs, 40−200+ cm tall; heads 20−43 mm across, white; outer pappus whorl a rim with minute teeth, inner pappus whorl of (15−)25−33 barbed bristles fused at bases .. Malacothrix saxatilis var. tenuifolia   [pics]


Microseris D. Don


(In Progress)


.. Microseris × heterocarpa   [pics]


.. Microseris × lindleyi   [pics]


.. Microseris douglasii subsp. tenella   [pics]


Pseudognaphalium Kirp.


1 Blades green, at least on upper surface, at maturity; scented and obviously glandular-hairy

2 Leaves densely white-hairy on lower surface at maturity, glandular hairs with ± colorless heads

3 Leaves of midstem linear, shortly decurrent; involucres 6.5−7 × 3.5−5 mm, with phyllaries in 7−9 series; pappus bristles 4−4.5 mm long; corolla of bisexual flower 3.7−4 mm long .. Pseudognaphalium leucocephalum   [pics]

3' Leaves of midstem lanceolate to oblanceolate, broadly lobed at leaf base (auriculate); involucres 5−6.5 × 3−3.5 mm, with phyllaries in 5−7 series; pappus bristles 3−3.5 mm long; corolla of bisexual flower ± 3.2 mm long .. Pseudognaphalium biolettii   [pics]

2' Blades green on both surfaces at maturity, glandular hairs with yellowish heads aging red

4 Blades mostly oblanceolate and 3−24 mm wide; heads 4.5−6 mm across with 102−154 pistillate peripheral flowers and 7−11 bisexual central flowers; phyllaries white .. Pseudognaphalium californicum   [pics]

4' Blades mostly lanceolate-linear and 2−7 mm long; heads 2−2.5 mm across with 36−46 pistillate peripheral flowers and 3−8 bisexual central flowers; phyllaries tinged with pink .. Pseudognaphalium ramosissimum   [pics]

1' Blades white-hairy on both surfaces at maturity, not obviously to obscurely glandular-hairy and not aromatic or only mildly so

5 Annuals or biennial herbs 15−60 cm tall; heads with 140+ flowers; involucres < 4 mm long

6 Involucres 3−3.5 mm long, phyllary tips whitish faintly tinged with brown; heads with 5−10 bisexual central flowers; corolla with lobes red to rose-purple .. Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum   [pics]

6' Involucres 4−6 mm long, phyllary tips yellow or straw-colored; heads with (8−)18−28 bisexual central flowers; corolla yellow .. Pseudognaphalium stramineum   [pics]

5' Perennials to 100 cm tall; heads with < 60 flowers; involucres > 5 mm long .. Pseudognaphalium microcephalum   [pics]


Senecio L.


1 Heads with conspicuous ray flowers

2 Shrubs or subshrubs with grayish, woolly-tomentose leaves with threadlike lobes; heads 25−40 mm across with 7−13(−21) ray flowers; corolla limbs of ray flowers (10−)11.7−18(−20) mm long .. Senecio flaccidus var. douglasii   [pics]

2' Annuals with glabrous to sparsely hairy, deeply pinnately lobed leaves; heads < 25 mm across with mostly 3−10 ray flowers; corolla limbs or ray flowers 8−12 mm long .. Senecio californicus   [pics]

1' Heads lacking ray flowers or ray flowers inconspicuous and not noticeably exceeding involucre

3 Heads with only bisexual disc flowers; bracts subtending inflorescence (calyculus) with dark purple to black tips .. Senecio vulgaris   [pics]

3' Heads with bisexual disc flowers and other pistillate flowers

4 Annuals mostly 3−15 cm tall; foliage sparsely cobwebby-tomentose aging sparsely hairy to glabrescent; bracts subtending inflorescence (calyculus) with dark purple to black tips; heads with (3−)5(−6) inconspicuous pistillate ray flowers and 8−14 bisexual disc flowers .. Senecio aphanactis   [pics]

4' Perennial herbs 45−100 cm tall; foliage densely white-woolly or cobwebby; bracts subtending inflorescence (calyculus) without dark tips; heads with 21−36 pistillate peripheral flowers having slender corollas and 7−13 bisexual disc flowers .. Senecio quadridentatus   [pics]


Solidago L.


1 Blades of lower leaves mostly narrowly elliptic, glabrous; involucre 4.5−5.5 mm wide at anthesis; disc flowers 7−27; cypselae ± 1 mm long, sparsely short-hairy .. Solidago confinis   [pics]

1' Blades of lower leaves mostly obovate to oblanceolate, densely canescent to short-tomentose; involucre 3−4 mm wide at anthesis; disc flowers 7−10; cypselae ± 1.7 mm long, densely short-strigose along 5−7 ribs .. Solidago velutina subsp. californica   [pics]


Sonchus L.


1 Shoots with stalked glands aging as prickles along stems and spinose margins on blades and bracts; basal lobes of blades rounded; heads 12−13 mm across; corolla 4−5.5 mm long, limb 2.5−3 × 1 mm; cypselae 3-sided and striped but smooth .. Sonchus asper   [pics]

1' Shoots lacking prickles along stems, basal lobes of blades pointed; heads 15−26 mm across; corolla 8−13 mm long, limb 4−6 × 0.5 mm; cypselae 5-ribbed and grooved, minutely barbed .. Sonchus oleraceus   [pics]


Stephanomeria Nutt.


(In Progress)


.. Stephanomeria cichoriacea   [pics]


.. Stephanomeria diegensis   [pics]


.. Stephanomeria exigua subsp. coronaria   [pics]


.. Stephanomeria virgata   [pics]


Symphyotrichum Nees


1 Annuals; blades linear to linear-lanceolate or narrowly oblanceolate, 60−120 × 2−14 mm; heads 5.5−6.5 mm across, with 27−38 ray flowers and 8−15 disc flowers; calyx (ray flowers) of 18−23 capillary bristles 2.4−3.5 mm long, corolla 0.5 mm wide, white to light purplish pink .. Symphyotrichum subulatum var. parviflorum   [pics]

1' Perennial herbs in clumps; blades oblanceolate, 80−100 × 8−15 mm; heads 26−34 mm across, with 17−23 ray flowers and 34−46 disc flowers; calyx (ray flowers) of 30−45 capillary bristles 3.5−7 mm long, corolla 1−2 mm wide, strong purple to light violet .. Symphyotrichum lanceolatum var. hesperium   [pics]


Xanthium L.


1 Stems unarmed, with black-purple spots; blades shallowly palmately lobed, finely serrate, and ± scabrous; burlike fruits 20−35 mm long .. Xanthium strumarium   [pics]

1' Stems bearing 1 or 2, stalked 3-branched spines at base of petiole, lacking spots; blades pinnately lobed, coarsely toothed to entire, and soft-pubescent; burlike fruits ca. 10 mm long .. Xanthium spinosum   [pics]

The text of the above keys used with permission from

A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California

© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson

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