A N F  Keys

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1 Shoots fleshy, with opposite decussate leaves, constricted at nodes and appearing jointed, the leaves with decurrent base and diminutive, scalelike blades; flowers (1−)2−3(−5) mostly hidden by scalelike bracts but with exserted anthers or styles

2 Shoots always < 4 mm diameter; spikelike inflorescence tip with several sterile nodes; seeds glabrous .. Arthrocnemum subterminale   [pics]

2' Shoots aging > 4 mm diameter; spikelike inflorescence lacking sterile nodes at tip; seeds hairy, the hairs curved to hooked, 1−2 mm long .. Salicornia

1' Stems not jointed; blades of leaves at least 5 mm long, not scalelike; flowers produced in noticeable terminal or axillary, ±sessile clusters (glomes)

3 Blades planar and not noticeably fleshy, sometimes covered with water-filled, bladderlike hairs (vesicular hairs in Atriplex)

4 Flowers bisexual; blades toothed but not deeply lobed or dissected

5 Plants not glandular-hairy, relatively unscented; blades toothed but not deeply lobed or dissected

6 Shoot and inflorescence essentially glabrous; flowers with basal portion embedded in glome axis, so ovary partially inferior, aging as a rocklike structure including (1−)2−3(−5) achenes .. Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima   [pics]

6' Shoot and inflorescence either glabrous or with ephemeral hairs becoming mealy on surface (farinose); flowers not embedded in glome axis, ovary superior, aging as utricle with separable seed or achene in which fruit coat not easily separated from seed .. Chenopodium

5' Plants densely glandular-hairy throughout, strongly medicinal in fragrance; blades pinnately lobed and dissected; flowers with ovary superior and not embedded in glome axis; utricle with 1 seed .. Dysphania

4' Flowers unisexual; staminate flowers in dense glomes; pistillate flower enclosed by 2 appressed bractlets .. Atriplex

3' Blades somewhat fleshy, linear, cylindric, awl-shaped, to lanceolate

7 Highly branched, 3-dimensional annua,l aging spinescent; blades and bracts subtending flowers ± half-cylindric and linear with sharp point at tip becoming rigid and appearing awl-shaped; flowers inconspicuous in leaf axils, developing with conspicuous, scarious wings (sepals) .. Salsola

7' Foliage not spinescent, dense along stems with short internodes and tufts of leaves on unexpanded axillary shoots; flowers in axillary glomes on terminal portion of shoots

8 Shoots sparsely to densely pilose to tomentose often aging glabrate; calyx pilose, forming 5 reddish, hooked arms surrounding fruit .. Bassia hyssopifolia   [pics]

8' Shoots glabrous to short-pubescent; calyx glabrous to short-pubescent, lacking hooked arms 1−2 mm long surrounding fruit .. Suaeda


Atriplex L.


1 Shrubs with well-developed woody axes; dioecious

2 Blades narrow, 1.5−7 mm wide

3 Blades mostly 4−25 mm long; fruit bracteoles broadly torch-shaped, 5−7 mm long, becoming bony and fleshy, utricle easily removed .. Atriplex amnicola   [pics]

3' Blades mostly 25−50(−73) mm long; fruit structure prominently 4-winged, at maturity 9−11.5 mm long, conspicuously veiny on faces and toothed along wings; fruit firmly fused to bracteoles .. Atriplex canescens var. canescens   [pics]

2' Blades ± ovate to triangular with basal lobes, 5−41 mm wide; fruit bracteoles ± oval horizontally, 3.5−4 mm wide; leafy shoots often spine-tipped .. Atriplex lentiformis   [pics]

1' Perennial herbs, subshrubs, or annuals; monoecious or dioecious

4 Annuals, potentially robust where receiving extra water or nutrients; blades often with teeth but also entire

5 Foliage green or greenish on both surfaces (glabrescent)

6 Leaves and branching mostly opposite to subopposite below canopy, petiolate; blades triangular to deltate or arrow-shaped, 30−75 × 10−90 mm and thin; fruiting bracteoles triangular and free nearly from base .. Atriplex prostrata   [pics]

6' Leaves and branching mostly helically alternate, subsessile; blades lanceolate to elliptic or oblong, 8.5−21.5(−30) × 2−5.5(−12) mm, foul-smelling; fruiting bracteoles ovate to rhombic and fused at least 2/3, with teeth on free portion, aging dark brown to blackish .. Atriplex serenana   [pics]

5' Foliage bluish gray, somewhat glaucous and with moderate to dense cover of collapsed hairs; leaves ovate or obovate to rhombic or oblong, (8−)12−35(−43) × 6−34 mm, coarsely and irregularly toothed or wavelike-serrate; fruit bracteoles rhombic to 6-sided, fused to midpoint with 1−2 teeth on each free margin .. Atriplex suberecta   [pics]

4' Perennials, often subshrubs with basal axes weakly woody; blades often ovate to elliptic and mostly entire

7 Strongly prostrate, matlike perennial of coastal and inland waste area; foliage covered with white coating (farinose); fruit bracteoles adhering to fruit turning rose and becoming fleshy except for free margin .. Atriplex semibaccata   [pics]

7' Plants not forming mats of prostrate shoots; fruit bracteoles not becoming rose and fleshy

8 Whitish leaves crowded on ends of shoots; blades 8−30(−40) × 4−18 mm; fruit bracteoles broadly ovate becoming notably spongy, warty, and whitish .. Atriplex leucophylla   [pics]

8' Foliage throughout plant especially on short lateral shoots; blades mostly < 15 mm long

9 Leaves mostly helically alternate but some opposite in early growth

10 Fruit bracteoles essentially free, entire and lacking warts on surface .. Atriplex californica   [pics]

10' Fruit bracteoles fused to about midpoint, toothed on margins, with several projections on surface, becoming thick and hard .. Atriplex coulteri   [pics]

9' Leaves opposite decussate; fruit bracteoles fused at least 2/3, rhombic-ovate or 5-sided and toothed on margins with short, blunt teeth .. Atriplex watsonii   [pics]


NB. It is likely that other species of Atriplex have occurred in range or will be found here. Atriplex rosea L., TUMBLING ORACH, a tall annual with toothed leaves, was once collected in range, and A. nummularia Lindl., a species with relatively large leaves, is found commonly along the coastline of Los Angeles County south of the range. Many other names have been used for local plants, and varieties or subspecies recognized, so it is obvious that better collection and greater study is needed of local representatives.


Chenopodium L


(In Progress)


.. Chenopodium album   [pics]


.. Chenopodium berlandieri var. zschackei   [pics]


.. Chenopodium californicum   [pics]


.. Chenopodium macrospermum   [pics]


.. Chenopodium murale   [pics]


Dysphania R. Brown


1 Annuals, mostly ascending to erect, 25−175 cm tall; blades 20−120 × 4−40(−55) mm; glomerule with only bisexual flowers; achenes mostly horizontal .. Dysphania ambrosioides   [pics]

1' Perennial herbs, decumbent, 8−30 cm tall; blades 3−15(−45) × 0.5−6(−10) mm; glomerule with mostly pistillate flowers but at least 1 bisexual flower; achenes vertical .. Dysphania multifida   [pics]


Salicornia L.


(In Progress)


.. Salicornia bigelovii   [pics]


.. Salicornia pacifica   [pics]


Salsola L.


1 Utricle with spreading, radiating wings (diclesium) > 6 mm across, the 2 smaller sepal wings obovate to spatulate and > 1 mm wide .. Salsola australis   [pics]

1' Utricle with upright wings (diclesium) 2.3−4 mm across, the 2 smaller sepal wings oblong to hornlike or reduced to conic projections and < 0.5 mm wide .. Salsola tragus   [pics]


Suaeda J. F. Gmelin


1 Annuals; perianth (calyx) with 1 or 2 lobes longer than others, lobes horned; stamens 2, anthers ± 0.3 mm long; seeds glossy dark brown to dark reddish brown (black) .. Suaeda calceoliformis   [pics]

1' Perennials; perianth (calyx) lobes subequal and not horned; stamens 4−5, anthers 0.7−1 mm long

2 Shoots conspicuously short-tomentose; leaves 6.5−25 × 1.5−3 mm, old stems with persistent, projecting petiole; with pistillate and bisexual flowers; perianth short-pubescent; style arising from sunken top of ovary and 3−4(−6)-branched, the branches ± 0.7 mm long and purplish red; seed mostly black (red-brown) .. Suaeda taxifolia   [pics]

2' Shoots glabrous; leaves 20−52 × 3.3−4.5 mm, old stems lacking persistent projections; flowers all bisexual; perianth glabrous; style 2−3-branched, the branches reddish at anthesis; seeds glossy reddish brown .. Suaeda esteroa   [pics]

The text of the above keys used with permission from

A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California

© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson

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