A N F  Keys

Top Level Key



1 Staminate and pistillate flowers distinct, not borne within an involucre; latex (if visible) clear or only cloudy

2 Blades conspicuously palmately lobed, 100−500 mm long; capsule spinescent .. Ricinus communis   [pics]

2' Blades entire or finely toothed, short to 85 mm long; capsule not spinescent

3 Shoots glabrous; inflorescence spikelike; bractlet of flower having 2 trumpet-shaped glands; calyx absent; stamens 2 .. Stillingia linearifolia   [pics]

3' Shoots hairy; inflorescence a cyme or racemelike; bractlet of flower without trumpet-shaped glands; calyx present, stamens 6 or more .. Croton

1' Staminate and pistillate flowers formed as a cyathium resembling a bisexual flower (involucre having 4 conspicuous nectary glands and both stamenlike staminate flowers and 1 stalked pistillate flower); latex copious and white .. Euphorbia


Croton L.


1 Dioecious perennial; shoots open-branched, covered by appressed, reflective, peltate-stellate hairs, each hair with center aging brownish; styles 3 and branched above; capsules 3-seeded .. Croton californicus   [pics]

1' Monoecious annual; shoots intricately and regularly 3-branched, with mixed long, spreading unbranched and stellate hairs; style 1 and unbranched; capsules 1-seeded .. Croton setigerus   [pics]


Euphorbia L.


1 Shoots strongly planed (plagiotropic) with only opposite leaves; blades asymmetric at base, with stipules at base; fleshy appendage on seed (caruncle) absent (subgenus Chamaesyce)

2 Leaves and capsules with hairs

3 Perennial with many stems at base; blades entire; nectary glands burgundy to blackish with showy, wide, white appendages; staminate flowers 15 or more

4 Plants densely tomentose; appendages with hairs; cyathia 2−3 mm wide and capsules 1.5−2 mm long .. Euphorbia melanadenia

4' Plants sparsely hairy; appendages glabrous; cyathia 1.2−2.7 mm wide and capsules 1.3−1.6 mm long .. Euphorbia polycarpa   [pics] (part)

3' Annual with conspicuous taproot; blades with short teeth; nectary glands yellowish green to yellowish orange or reddish with narrow whitish and pinkish appendages; staminate flowers 2−10

5 Capsules 1−1.2 mm long; nectary glands reddish .. Euphorbia prostrata   [pics]

5' Capsules 1.3−1.8 mm long; nectary glands typically yellowish green to yellowish orange

6 Blades with teeth nearly to base, often with dark reddish central spot; cyathia < 1 mm wide; capsules short-strigose .. Euphorbia maculata   [pics]

6' Blades with teeth only above midpoint, lacking central spot; cyathia 1−2 mm wide; capsules without appressed hairs .. Euphorbia serpyllifolia var. hirtula

2' Leaves and capsules glabrous

7 Nodal adventitious roots present or showing root buds; cyathia < 1 mm across .. Euphorbia serpens   [pics]

7' Nodal adventitious roots absent; cyathia 1.3−4 mm across

8 Annual with conspicuous taproot; nectary glands with yellowish green or yellowish orange to reddish .. Euphorbia serpyllifolia var. serpyllifolia   [pics]

8' Perennial with many stems at base; nectary glands purplish red to burgundy

9 Only lower stipules fused across node; capsules 1.3−1.6 mm long .. Euphorbia polycarpa   [pics] (part)

9' Both lower and upper stipules fused across node; capsules 1.7−2 mm long .. Euphorbia albomarginata   [pics]

1' Shoots not planed (orthotropic), strictly helically alternate or with lower leaves opposite decussate; blades symmetric at base, without stipules; fleshy appendage on seed (caruncle) present and often mushroomlike

10 Glands of cyathium with paired hornlike ends; seeds lacking netted ridges

11 Blades entire with a tapered base; capsules ca. 2 mm long, prominently 2-crested on each valve face; seeds whitish gray with vertical depressions .. Euphorbia peplus   [pics]

11' Blades with small teeth and sometimes basal lobes; capsules 3.3−4 mm long, not 2-crested on valve face; seeds dark brown coated by tannish layer and minutely granular .. Euphorbia terracina   [pics]

10' Glands of cyathium lacking hornlike ends; seeds with netted ridges

12 Cauline leaves opposite decussate and strongly 4-ranked, blades 30−150 mm long; capsules 6−12 mm long, sometimes minutely bumpy .. Euphorbia lathyris   [pics]

12' Cauline leaves helically alternate; blades to 20 mm long; capsules ca. 2.5 mm long, conspicuously warty .. Euphorbia spathulata   [pics]

The text of the above keys used with permission from

A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California

© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson

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