A N F  Keys

Top Level Key



1 Flowers 2 at node (typically 1 per axil), appearing like a leafy raceme

2 Shrubs 100−200 cm tall; foliage velveteen with long, branched hairs (dendritic) and somewhat sticky from sessile glandular hairs; flowers 10+ mm diameter, on slender pedicels 11−35 mm long; calyx 5-lobed, lobes subequal, 10−18 mm long, with dendritic hairs; corolla 5-lobed, 20−35 mm, very pale lavender (white), lower lobe liplike .. Lepechinia fragrans   [pics]

2' Herbs, decumbent to prostrate, rooting at lower nodes; calyx 4−5.5 mm long; corolla 2-lipped

3 Blades hirsute to short-hirsute and conspicuously gland-dotted with glandular hairs, slightly aromatic like peppermint (Mentha); pedicels 6−10 mm long; calyx 5-lobed; corolla 6−11 mm long, white to pale lavender-pink .. Clinopodium douglasii   [pics]

3' Blades sparsely hairy and not gland-dotted (essentially lacking glandular hairs), not aromatic; pedicels 1.5−4 mm long; calyx short 2-lipped, conspicuously pilose, lips rounded; corolla 13−21 mm long, violet-blue .. Scutellaria tuberosa   [pics]

1' Flowers more than 2 at each node (mostly 2+ per axil)

4 Flowers in loose axillary cymes, each cyme with 4−12 flowers on flexible pedicels; corolla deep blue-violet; long filaments 17.5−22 mm long; annual with shoots strongly aromatic like vinegar (propionic acid) .. Trichostema lanceolatum   [pics]

4' Flowers appearing whorled at node and mostly in dense clusters = condensed axillary cymes paired at node and often subtended by conspicuous bracts (verticils)

5 Calyx with 10 hooked, spinescent teeth; corolla 6−8 mm long, white .. Marrubium vulgare   [pics]

5' Calyx 5-lobed; corolla > 8 mm long

6 Shrubs with linear, strongly inrolled leaves, leaves often tufted at nodes on unexpanded axillary shoots; corolla blue-violet to rose-violet (white) aging deep violet, tomentose to woolly; stamens 25−32(−40) mm long and exserted .. Trichostema lanatum   [pics]

6' Corolla not tomentose to woolly; stamens < 12 mm long

7 Filaments 2 .. Salvia

7' Filaments 4, typically with the lower stamen pair shorter than the upper pair

8 Corolla strongly 2-lipped

9 Perennial herbs with petiolate leaves, strongly aromatic with glandular hairs and conspicuous long hairs; calyx teeth spine-tipped; corolla in bud lacking purple hairs; nutlets rounded at top .. Stachys

9' Annuals with petiolate leaves fused across node (amplexicaulous), not aromatic and puberulent (short-strigose) to glabrate; calyx teeth not spine-tipped; corolla with purple hairs; nutlets truncate .. Lamium amplexicaule   [pics]

8' Corolla weakly 2-lipped or somewhat radially symmetric with lobes

10 Flowers aggregated into a terminal headlike cluster on stem .. Monardella

10' Flowers either in well-defined verticils subtended by leaves or verticils congested to form a terminal spike .. Mentha


Mentha L.


1 Leaves and leaflike bracts villous to short-villous (tomentose); dense, axillary flower clusters at nodes (verticils)

2 Leaflike bracts subtending verticil only slightly longer than flowers, sessile, blades essentially entire, often reflexed .. Mentha pulegium   [pics]

2' Leaflike bracts subtending verticil several times longer than flowers, petiolate, blades low-serrate, typically spreading .. Mentha canadensis

1' Leaves and bracts mostly lacking nonglandular hairs; dense flower clusters mostly appearing like terminal spikes and not leafy

3 Pedicel 1.5−2.5 mm long; calyx 3.5−4.5 mm long; corolla 5−6 mm long .. Mentha × piperita   [pics]

3' Pedicel ± 1 mm long; calyx 1.5−2 mm long; corolla 3−3.5 mm long .. Mentha spicata   [pics]


Monardella Benth.


1 Woody perennials, many-stemmed at base; shoots tomentose to woolly tomentose, white-hairy on lower surface of blades; headlike cymes terminal on canopy shoots; flowers ca. 12 mm across; lower lip of corolla 6−7.5 mm long, light lavender .. Monardella hypoleuca subsp. hypoleuca   [pics]

1' Annuals, 1−3-stemmed at base; shoots densely short-strigose to canescent or puberulent; headlike cymes several in dichasial array; flowers 3−4 mm across; lower lip of corolla 4.3−5.5 mm long, violet with red-purple spots .. Monardella breweri subsp. lanceolata


Salvia L.


1 Shrubs

2 Foliage mostly below 50 cm tall, with erect inflorescences 15−150 cm long; blades ovate to widely lanceolate, grayish and densely short-tomentose and with glandular hairs producing a strongly aromatic but fetid odor; inflorescence a paniclelike array with cymes paired at each node, each cyme to 6-flowered and verticils not developed; corolla with diminutive upper lip ca. 1 × 2 mm, corolla white to pale violet .. Salvia apiana   [pics]

2' Foliage throughout the branched canopy, inflorescences typically < 20 cm long; blades narrowly elliptic to oblong or lanceolate, strongly aromatic but not fetid; inflorescence with well-defined verticils; corolla clearly 2-lipped, moderate or light purple to pale lavender (nearly white)

3 Blades 14−30 mm wide, gray-green to ashy gray, densely puberulent having highly branched hairs (dendritic) and sparser, short glandular hairs; calyx 1-lipped .. Salvia leucophylla   [pics]

3' Blades 9.5−18 mm wide, green, appressed-canescent with scattered, short glandular hairs; calyx 2-lipped .. Salvia mellifera   [pics]

1' Herbaceous plants with erect inflorescence having well-defined verticils

4 Annuals, 3−85 cm tall; leaves 1−2-pinnately dissected (compound), mostly basal; verticils 8−20 mm across; corolla spreading, < 15 mm long, strong blue-violet .. Salvia columbariae   [pics]

4' Evergreen perennial herbs, forming clonal colonies; axes conspicuously glandular-pubescent; leaves simple, basal and cauline, crenate on margins and with winged petiole; verticils 35+ mm across; corolla ascending, 15−35 mm long, crimson (salmon) .. Salvia spathacea   [pics]


Stachys L.


1 Stems and lower surfaces of blades whitish and densely woolly to tomentose; verticils with 6−14 flowers; calyx 6.5−8.5 mm long; corolla 10−13 mm long, white but lower lip with 3 reddish purple lines, lower lip 4−5 mm long .. Stachys albens   [pics]

1' Stems and lower surfaces of blades pilose to villous + having hispid hairs along stem edges and blade veins; verticils with 4−8 flowers; corolla throat reddish purple to light purple or lavender and white to pinkish lower lip with dark spots and bands, lower lip 6.5−8.5 mm long

2 Blades crenate; calyx 5−6 mm long; corolla 18−20 mm long; corolla tube + throat 7−10 mm long and exserted several mm from calyx, gradually tapered and throat not saclike .. Stachys bullata   [pics]

2' Blades regularly serrate; calyx 6−7 mm long; corolla 14−17 mm long; tube + throat 6−7.5 mm long and not exserted much from calyx, with dimple defining throat with saclike base .. Stachys rigida var. quercetorum   [pics]


Trichostema L.


1 Shrubs 100−250 cm tall; blades linear with inrolled margins (revolute); inflorescences covered with thick, shaggy, purplish wool .. Trichostema lanatum   [pics]

1' Annuals < 100 cm tall; blades generally elliptic to lanceolate, margins not inrolled; inflorescences with shorter, single, colorless hairs .. Trichostema lanceolatum   [pics]

The text of the above keys used with permission from

A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California

© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson

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