A N F Keys
1 Shrub to 400 cm tall; stipules mostly 1−2.5(−3.5) mm long; terminal panicles of lateral cymes; bracteoles 1−3 subtending calyx (epicalyx) distinct .. Malacothamnus fasciculatus var. fasciculatus [pics]
1' Annuals or biennial to perennial herbs; stipules mostly > 2.5 mm long; flowers not in panicles
2 Perennial herbs with flowers helically alternate on terminal, long racemes; bracteoles subtending calyx absent; petals fan-shaped, 8.5−23 × 4.5−15 mm, light purple with glossy white claw white-hairy on margins .. Sidalcea sparsifolia [pics]
2' Herbs with flowers axillary and solitary or in several-flowered condensed cymes; bracteoles subtending or fused to calyx (epicalyx) present
3 Blades deeply palmately lobed; petals reddish orange; mericarps with two projecting horns and often 2-seeded .. Modiola caroliniana [pics]
3' Blades shallowly palmately lobed; petals never reddish orange; mericarps lacking horns and only 1-seeded
4 Perennial herbs, decumbent and many-stemmed at base; shoots densely covered with whitish, scalelike stellate hairs aging ± tannish; petals creamy white to pale yellow .. Malvella leprosa [pics]
4' Annuals and biennial herbs, sometimes robust to 205 cm tall; shoots green but having unbranched hairs to stellate hairs; petals white to lavender or purplish pink with or without stripes .. Malva
1 Stipules 2.5−7.5 mm long; flowers < 14 mm across; stamens 15−20
2 Blades long-pilose on lower surface; bracteoles on calyx linear, 2.5−4 × 0.2−0.4 mm; petals 3.2−6 × 2−2.3 mm, lacking obvious nectar lines (5−6 faint veins), with papillae on claw; schizocarp with (9−)10−11 stellate-puberulent mericarps .. Malva parviflora [pics]
2' Blades with scattered unbranched hairs and stellate hairs on lower surface; bracteoles on calyx ovate to deltate, 3.5−4.5 × 2.5−3.2 mm; petals 10−12 × 4−6 mm, with 3 deep rose to deep purplish pink veins appearing above base and forking above, glabrous; schizocarp with 7−9 glabrous (short-hairy) mericarps .. Malva nicaeensis [pics]
1' Stipules typically (4−)7−14 mm long, mostly with rounded basal lobe; foliage with stellate hairs having 1−4(−12) arms; flowers 25−33 mm across; petals (10−)15−19 × 8−9.5 mm; stamens > 40; schizocarp 10−12 mm across, forming 7−10 glabrous mericarps .. Malva pseudolavatera [pics]
The text of the above keys used with permission from
A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California
© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson