A N F  Keys

Top Level Key



1 Shoots ± prostrate or decumbent with principal shoots radiating from plant base, with flowers produced along spreading shoots

2 Stems angled or low-winged; sepals 4−6.5 mm long at anthesis .. Calandrinia

2' Stems cylindric; sepals < 4 mm long at anthesis

3 Blades fleshy, 2−3.5 mm thick; flowers showy, 7−10 mm across, with 5 red-purple petals, 5 stamens, and a pistil with 3 stigmas; capsules dehiscing by 3 valves, containing many dull gray seeds with tiny whitish swelling (strophiole) at hilum .. Cistanthe maritima   [pics]

3' Blades < 1.5 mm thick; flowers inconspicuous, with 3 tiny white petals, 1(−3) stamen, and a pistil with 2 stigmas; capsules dehiscing by 2 valves, containing 2−5 glossy black seeds, lacking a swelling (strophiole) at hilum .. Calyptridium monandrum   [pics]

1' Shoots lacking radiating shoots from a single plant base

4 Vegetative plant with well-developed basal rosette, with erect to ascending, axillary inflorescences

5 Inflorescence 1-flowered, with a whorl of 8−9 awl-shaped bracts subtending pedicel; flowers 48−52 mm across; petals 10−12; stamens 40−50 in 2−3 series .. Lewisia rediviva var. rediviva   [pics]

5' Inflorescence several−many-flowered, below the lowest flowers having a pair of bracts (cauline leaves), separate, partially fused, or completely fused around axis; flowers 3−10 mm across; petals (3)5; stamens 5 .. Claytonia

4' Vegetative plant forming miniature mat, with several stems from each node, shoots having only cauline leaves; flowers minute, often never opening, 1 mm long; petals 3, colorless; stamens 3 .. Montia fontana   [pics]


Calandrinia Kunth


1 Flowers 8−15 mm across; sepals deltate, 4−5 mm increasing to 5.5−8 mm long in fruit; corolla lobes 3.5−6 mm long; stamens 3−7; capsule to 12 mm long, projecting at least 2 mm from the longer sepal; seeds 0.9−1.1 mm long with bumpy seed coat .. Calandrinia breweri   [pics]

1' Flowers 13−18 mm across; sepals ovate, 5−6.5 mm increasing slightly in fruit; corolla lobes 6.8−8 mm long; stamens 6−13(−15); capsule about same length as the longer sepal; seeds 1.2−1.5 mm long with smooth seed coat .. Calandrinia ciliata   [pics]


Claytonia L.


1 Blades ± flat and long-petiolate (sometimes indistinct from blade), green and glabrous; bracts subtending inflorescence (2 fused "cauline leaves") encircling axis (perfoliate)

2 Blades ovate, obovate, rounded deltate, kidney-shaped, rhombic, or trowel-shaped (linear on diminutive specimens); capsules 2−2.5 mm long; seeds 1.2−1.8 × 0.9−1.5 mm, glossy dark reddish brown to very dark brown and smooth and with epidermal cells clearly visible and raised .. Claytonia perfoliata subsp. mexicana   [pics]

2' Blades mostly linear, glaucous and often gray, beige, or pinkish; capsules 1.5−2 mm long; seeds 1.1−1.25 × 0.8−1.1 mm, glossy dark brown to black, smooth with epidermal cells clearly visible but not raised

3 Bracts subtending inflorescence fused, D-shaped and commonly 2-toothed; corolla 1.4−2.1 mm long .. Claytonia parviflora subsp. parviflora   [pics]

3' Bracts subtending inflorescence somewhat fused at base but appearing like 2 and not fused; corolla 2.2−3.4 mm long .. Claytonia parviflora subsp. viridis   [pics]

1' Blades cylindric-linear and sessile, glaucous; bracts subtending inflorescence (2 fused "cauline leaves") V-shaped or horn-shaped

4 Leaves 10−40 mm long; inflorescence < 10-flowered, with peduncle 10−30 mm long; flowers 2.5−4.5 mm across; petals 2−4 mm long, white often with faint pink veins; filaments 1−1.7 mm long; seeds glossy black .. Claytonia exigua subsp. exigua   [pics]

4' Leaves 50−80 mm long; inflorescence 10−15-flowered, with peduncle 30−90 mm long; flowers 6−7.5(−10) mm across; petals 4.5−6 mm long, light pink to pale or light lavender with purplish pink veins; filaments 3.8−4.3 mm long; seeds dark brown and finely pebbled .. Claytonia gypsophiloides   [pics]

The text of the above keys used with permission from

A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California

© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson

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