A N F Keys
1 Winter-deciduous trees; leaves odd-1-pinnately compound with 5−11 leaflets; corolla absent or of 2 free petals, to which stamens are not fused; samaras oblanceolate to narrowly obovate .. Fraxinus
1' Evergreen small trees or large shrubs; leaves simple and tough; corolla 4(−5)-lobed with stamens fused at top of tube; drupe fleshy
2 Shoots densely covered with appressed, umbrellalike scales (peltate); blades narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, mostly 25−100 × 8−22 mm; drupes 9−20 mm long, glaucous (olive) .. Olea europaea [pics]
2' Shoots essentially glabrous; blades ovate to broadly ovate, mostly 65−110 × 40−55 mm; drupes 8−8.5 mm long, not glaucous .. Ligustrum lucidum [pics]
1 Small trees or shrub of chaparral; shoots essentially glabrous (inconspicuous reddish hairs); flowers bisexual, fragrant like lilac, Syringa); petals 2, 5−7.5 mm long, cream; stamens 2, alternate with petals; samaras narrowly obovate, 23−28 × 6−8 mm (with mature seed), never notched at tip .. Fraxinus dipetala [pics]
1' Trees of riparian or oak woodlands; shoots generally with hairs at least on young growth; dioecious and wind-pollinated; petals absent; stamens 2−3(−4); samaras oblanceolate, 28−40 × 4−8 mm, often notched at tip
2 Leaves with 3−5 pairs of lateral leaflets, leaflets low-serrate, with short, stiff hairs along lower midrib; calyx with 2−4 unequal teeth; anthers 3−5.8 mm long; wings on samara only above midpoint .. Fraxinus uhdei [pics]
2' Leaves with 2−3 pairs of lateral leaflets, leaflets entire, mostly short-tomentose and tomentose (sometimes glabrate); calyx with 4(−6) teeth; anthers 1.7−2.6 mm long; wings on samara almost to base .. Fraxinus velutina [pics]
The text of the above keys used with permission from
A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California
© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson