A N F  Keys

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1 Plants lacking chlorophyll and fully parasitic on roots of host perennials (holoparasites), axes and leaflike structures whitish to yellowish, orangey brown, or dark purple; calyx ± radially 5-lobed; upper lip of corolla distinctly 2-lobed, with stigma and anthers included .. Orobanche

1' Plants with green foliage, being parasitic on roots of host perennials during one phase of growth (hemiparasites); calyx mostly bilaterally symmetric, often 2-lipped but sometimes sheathlike, if 5-lobed then upper lobes slightly shorter and lateral lobes paired; upper lip of corolla ± entire and often hoodlike and enclosing stamens (galea)

2 Plants with basal rosettes of petiolate, coarsely dissected leaves, blades 50−220(−280) × 12−55 mm with many lobes cut and toothed on margins; leafy racemes condensed with fuchsia to dark rose flowers; galea conspicuously rounded approaching tip and externally glabrous; anthers with equal sacs; style bent to project at right angles from corolla .. Pedicularis densiflora   [pics]

2' Plants lacking basal rosettes, with sessile, ± narrow or pinnately several-lobed cauline leaves, blades or lobes mostly < 90 × 12 mm with entire margins; galea, if rounded, only at tip, externally pubescent on some parts; anthers with unequal sacs

3 Corolla resembling a bird's beak, multi-colored but mostly yellowish to white, surrounded by mostly green bractlets and bracts (sometimes tipped purple)

4 Plants 20−40 cm tall, pilose and glandular-hairy; blades lanceolate and never lobed, (5−)7−25 × 1.5−7 mm; leafy spike with bractlets and calyx mostly boat-shaped; growing in Point Mugu salt marsh .. Chloropyron maritimum subsp. maritimum

4' Plants 20−175 cm tall, short-hairy and sparsely hirsute aging hispid; blades unlobed to pinnately 3-lobed, 10−47 mm long, with slender, linear lobes; headlike cyme with bractlets and calyx sheathlike; growing during summer in dry scrubland .. Cordylanthus rigidus subsp. setigerus   [pics]

3' Corolla elongate and obviously 2-lipped, amidst of brightly colored calyx, bractlets, and bracts, e.g., vivid red, orange-red, light yellow, or purplish pink (white) .. Castilleja


Castilleja Mutis


1 Blades mostly 1−2-pinnately dissected with slender, linear lobes, pilose to villous without glandular hairs; inflorescence club-shaped overall appearing purplish pink to strong reddish purple and white; lower lip of corolla conspicuously 3-pouched and upper lip hooded and beaklike .. Castilleja exserta subsp. exserta   [pics]

1' Blades unlobed to 1-pinnately dissected with broad lobes, hairs various but if villous also densely glandular-hairy; inflorescence ± cylindric overall appearing red to red-orange (yellow); lower lip of corolla not inflated and upper lip minutely 3-toothed

2 Annuals, 1-stemmed at base; blades densely glandular-hairy and lower surface scabrous from multicellular hairs; racemes with pedicels initially 2−3 mm long increasing in fruit; bractlet subtending flower unlobed; calyx tube ca. 6 mm long and saclike at base .. Castilleja minor subsp. spiralis   [pics]

2' Perennial herbs, several−many-stemmed at base; blades not scabrous; spikes with pedicels always < 1 mm long; bractlet subtending flower lobed; calyx tube cylindric and 7−12.5 mm long

3 Blades woolly with branched hairs (dendritic) and lacking glandular hairs; bractlet subtending flower 15−20 mm long and calyx 11.5−16 mm long, both hairy like leaves .. Castilleja foliolosa   [pics]

3' Blades villous and densely glandular-hairy; bractlet enveloping flower 21−26 mm long and calyx 15−20 mm long, both hairy like leaves .. Castilleja affinis subsp. affinis   [pics]


NB. Castilleja applegatei Fernald subsp. martinii (Abrams) T. I. Chuang & Heckard, which is similar to C. affinis, may occur in range, but definitive specimens have not yet been observed.


Orobanche L.


1 Plants glandular-hairy; each flower terminal on long pedicel >> corolla, lacking bracteoles at base of calyx; corolla lobes ± equal and spreading

2 Flowers several per shoot; calyx lobes ≤ calyx tube; corolla to 34 mm long, light yellow with rose reddish to purplish or dark yellow veins but possibly purplish .. Orobanche fasciculata   [pics]

2' Flowers 1 per shoot; calyx lobes > calyx tube; corolla < 23 mm long, mostly violet but lower portion often yellow; parasite mostly on Ribes .. Orobanche uniflora   [pics]

1' Plants glandular-hairy or not; flowers in dense raceme or racemelike panicle, pedicel << corolla, with 2 bracteoles at base of calyx; corolla lobes somewhat bilateral

3 Plants with only nonglandular hairs, somewhat scabrous; base of plant (subterranean) tuberlike, shoot tapered from enlarged base; shoots and flowers purple; inflorescence branched; parasite mostly on chamise (Adenostoma) .. Orobanche bulbosa   [pics]

3' Plants densely glandular-hairy, not scabrous; base of plant (subterranean) not tuberlike or greatly enlarged; shoots pale yellow or reddish tinged (reddish) on aerial portion or aging brownish; inflorescence a raceme

4 Corolla pale to light yellowish but becoming reddish orange to purplish red along veins or ± uniformly reddish orange to purplish red on inside except pale yellow on margins; parasite mostly on Asteraceae, (e.g., Corethrogyne) .. Orobanche parishii   [pics]

4' Corolla whitish to pale rose with reddish rose to purplish veins; parasite mostly on elderberry (Sambucus) .. Orobanche vallicola   [pics]

The text of the above keys used with permission from

A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California

© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson

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