A N F  Keys

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1 Leaves 2−4× compound, finely divided and dissected

2 Perennials 50−235 cm tall, with a thick principal axis bearing a large terminal dense panicle of dichasial cymes; flowers bilateral with erect, creamy white petals; stamens 6 in 2 sets opposite outer petals; capsules narrowly ovoid, 15−27 × 6−8 mm .. Ehrendorferia ochroleuca   [pics]

2' Annual or perennial herbs 5−60 cm tall, lacking a principal axis, with 1−several-flowered cymes; flowers radial with spreading bright yellow to bright orange or yellow and orange petals; stamens >12; capsules linear-cylindric, 35−90 mm long, often with rim surrounding base of fruit .. Eschscholzia

1' Leaves at most pinnately lobed

3 Shrubs or shrublike but dying back to ground

4 Blades elliptic to broadly lanceolate, entire, glabrous; flowers 35−70 mm across; petals 4, bright yellow; stamens mostly 50−70; capsules cylindric opening by 2 valves, 25−90 mm long, glabrous .. Dendromecon rigida   [pics]

4' Blades deeply pinnately lobed with paired lateral lobes, having some bristlelike prickles along petiole; flowers 120−200 mm across; petals 5−6, white and crinkled; stamens > 600; capsules ovoid with 10−12 toothlike valves, 23−45 × 8−22 mm, covered with stiff, golden bristles .. Romneya coulteri   [pics]

3' Annuals

5 Plants conspicuously spinescent, covered with sharp prickles; flowers 51−100(−130) mm across; sepals 3; petals (5−)6(−7), 53−65 mm long, white with yellow at base; stamens many; capsules dehiscent by 4 valves, sharp-prickly .. Argemone munita   [pics]

5' Plants not spinescent

6 Diminutive annual to 10 cm tall, slender-stemmed with unlobed, opposite or whorled basal and cauline leaves; flowers 3.5−4.5 mm across; petals white; stamens 3−6 in 1 whorl; capsules 7−20 × 1 mm, dehiscent at tip by 3 valves .. Meconella denticulata   [pics]

6' Annuals 10−80 cm tall, at least with lower leaves helically alternate

7 Leaves all helically alternate; petals red to dark orange; capsules dehiscent by terminal pores .. Papaver

7' Cauline leaves opposite or whorled and linear; petals cream-colored; capsules schizocarpic, splitting lengthwise into strips and later breaking between seeds to form 1-seeded segments .. Platystemon californicus   [pics]


Eschscholzia Cham.


1 Leaves commonly with pinnately arranged primary divisions; at anthesis receptacle rim relatively conspicuous; petals 10−55 mm long; stamens 18−40+, filaments commonly with deep purple or blackish band just above midpoint; some stigmas 3−8.5 mm long; capsule 10-ribbed; seeds 1.4−1.7 mm long .. Eschscholzia californica   [pics]

1' Leaves with only 3-lobed primary divisions; at anthesis receptacle rim absent; petals 9−16 mm long; stamens 12−26, filaments lacking dark pigment band; stigmas to 3 mm long; capsule typically 5-ribbed; seeds 1.1−1.5 mm long .. Eschscholzia caespitosa   [pics]


Papaver L.


1 Shoots with clear yellow latex; pedicels completely glabrous; petals strictly 4, fan-shaped, 10−14 × 6.2−13.8 mm, strong reddish orange with dark red or deep purplish red on thick basal 1/3; stamens (12−)15−20, filaments deep reddish purple; style ca. 1 mm long with capitate stigma .. Papaver heterophyllum   [pics]

1' Shoots with white latex; pedicels initially with hairs; petals 4 or 6, with white or green at base; style absent with discoid stigmas

2 Sepals initially villous becoming glabrescent; petals obovate to oval, 9−17 × 6−12 mm; stamens ca. 30, filaments greenish; stigmas 6−7 downwardly radiating arms from a conic center; capsule narrowly obovoid, 10−16 × 6−8 mm, dehiscent by 6 or 7 pores .. Papaver californicum   [pics]

2' Sepals coarsely hirsute; petals obovate to oval or depressed ovate, 30−33 × 47−60 mm; stamens ca. 120, filaments white and sometimes purplish red; stigmas 13−17 as downwardly radiating arms from a conic center; capsule barrel-shaped to spheroid, 15−20 × 7−13 mm, dehiscent by 13+ pores .. Papaver rhoeas   [pics]

The text of the above keys used with permission from

A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California

© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson

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