< Yellow Sweet Clover   Mexican Palo Verde >

Thumbnail Picture of Plume Acacia

Plume Acacia *

Paraserianthes lophantha 

TJM1: Albizia lophantha.
TJM2: Albizia lophantha.
A N F: Albizia lophantha.
Other scientific names: Acacia lophantha.

Family: Fabaceae (PEA, LEGUME).
Other common names: albizia, stink bean, plume albizia.
Generic common name: ALBIZIA.

Location: Not photographed yet.

Characteristics: non-Native.

Albizia lophantha is now a synonym. This SN change appeared in the Jepson eFlora in 2023.

If you see this in or near the SMM floristic region we'd like to know.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

< Yellow Sweet Clover   Mexican Palo Verde >


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