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Thumbnail Picture of Indian Milkweed

Indian Milkweed

Asclepias eriocarpa

Family: Apocynaceae (DOGBANE), Asclepiadaceae (MILKWEED).
Other common names: Kotolo milkweed, woollypod milkweed.
Generic common name: MILKWEED.

Location: Malibu Creek State Park: Crags Road, May 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Red, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Detailed Picture 1 of Indian Milkweed

Detailed Picture 2 of Indian Milkweed

Detailed Picture 3 of Indian Milkweed

Detailed Picture 4 of Indian Milkweed

Detailed Picture 5 of Indian Milkweed

Detailed Picture 6 of Indian Milkweed
Can have three leaves at a node

Detailed Picture 7 of Indian Milkweed

Detailed Picture 8 of Indian Milkweed

Detailed Picture 9 of Indian Milkweed

Detailed Picture 10 of Indian Milkweed
Monarch butterfly chrysalis on underside of leaf

< California Milkweed   Narrow-leaved Milkweed >


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