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Thumbnail Picture of Smilax Asparagus

Smilax Asparagus *

Asparagus asparagoides

Family: Asparagaceae (ASPARAGUS).
Generic common name: ASPARAGUS.

Location: Malibu Lagoon State Beach: trailside near salt marsh, March 2011.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Medium, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Early Spring.

Note: Invasive exotic.

Detailed Picture 1 of Smilax Asparagus

Detailed Picture 2 of Smilax Asparagus

Detailed Picture 3 of Smilax Asparagus

Detailed Picture 4 of Smilax Asparagus

Detailed Picture 5 of Smilax Asparagus

Detailed Picture 6 of Smilax Asparagus

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