< Southern Blue-cup   Rothrock's Lobelia >

Thumbnail Picture of Rareflower Heterocodon

Rareflower Heterocodon

Heterocodon rariflorum

Family: Campanulaceae (BELLFLOWER).
Other common names: few-flowered heterocodon, western pearlflower.
Generic common name: HETEROCODON.

Location: Castro Crest: Backbone Trail, riparian woodland, May 2009.

Characteristics: Native, Blue, Small, Solitary, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring, Late Spring.

I have yet to catch its tiny blue flowers (a "rare" event.) Often cleistogamous (i.e., flowers do not open).

Detailed Picture 1 of Rareflower Heterocodon
Cleistogamous flower (the flower does not open and therefore must self-fertilize)

Detailed Picture 2 of Rareflower Heterocodon

Detailed Picture 3 of Rareflower Heterocodon

Detailed Picture 4 of Rareflower Heterocodon

Detailed Picture 5 of Rareflower Heterocodon

< Southern Blue-cup   Rothrock's Lobelia >


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