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Thumbnail Picture of Mariposa Rush

Mariposa Rush

Juncus dubius

Other scientific names: Juncus rugulosus.

Family: Juncaceae (RUSH).
Other common names: wrinkled rush.
Generic common name: RUSH.

Location: Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space: the unnamed northern east-west trail, riparian, June 2006.

Characteristics: Native, Green, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring, Summer.

Although J. rugulosus is not strictly a synonym it has been treated here as such. See the A N F description for more details.

Detailed Picture 1 of Mariposa Rush

Detailed Picture 2 of Mariposa Rush

Detailed Picture 3 of Mariposa Rush

Detailed Picture 4 of Mariposa Rush

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