< Peruvian Pepper Tree   Poison Oak >

Thumbnail Picture of Brazilian Pepper Tree

Brazilian Pepper Tree *

Schinus terebinthifolia 

TJM1: Schinus terebinthifolius.
TJM2: Schinus terebinthifolius.
A N F: Schinus terebinthifolius.

Family: Anacardiaceae (SUMAC, CASHEW).
Generic common name: PEPPER TREE.

Location: Circle X Ranch: Campground, oak woodland, November 2006.

Characteristics: non-Native, White, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Latin termination changed from 'ius' to 'ia'. This SN change appeared in the Jepson eFlora in 2023.

◊ This name is from the Jepson eFlora. It is more current than the TJM2 name.

Detailed Picture 1 of Brazilian Pepper Tree

Detailed Picture 2 of Brazilian Pepper Tree

Detailed Picture 3 of Brazilian Pepper Tree

< Peruvian Pepper Tree   Poison Oak >


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