In Topanga State Park right now, many of the trails have large patches of deep mud. One of the few that is easily passable is The Dead Horse trail. It connects the Dead Horse parking lot off Entrada Road with the Trippet Ranch area. I took the trail from the Trippet parking lot, walking mostly downhill and then returned. One could also start in the Dead Horse parking lot and thus save the downhill for the return.
From the Trippet parking lot walk on the paved road/trail by the pond. Just past the pond turn left onto the Dead Horse Trail. For the first bit you will have woods on your left and meadow on your right. The oak trees are covered in dangling yellow catkins, these are their flowers. There are a lot of lovely spring flowers in bloom: big clumps of blue eyed grass, buttercups, hummingbird sage, miner’s lettuce, dove lupine, Pacific sanicle and blue dicks. Soon you enter chaparral where there is blooming black sage, sticky monkey flower, wild cucumber, deerweed, popcorn flower, chamise and California everlasting. Some of the most spectacular sights are the large clumps of blooming Eastwood manzanita, large shrubs covered in tiny, white, bell-shaped flowers. The day that I hiked, these shrubs were alive with bees and great quantities of painted lady butterflies. For the length of the trail the ecosystems will alternate between woodland and chaparral. In the woodland areas there is purple nightshade, canyon sunflower, fiesta flower, elderberry, fuchsia flowering gooseberry and a lot of greenbark ceanothus. This is a very nice walk for viewing flowers.
— Dorothy Steinicke