A N F Keys
1 Flowers radial
2 Spike with sessile flower in axil of leaflike bractlet, lower flowers cleistogamous and upper flowers potentially chasmogamous
3 Blades round to broadly ovate or obovate, 2−6.5 mm long; sepals leaflike, widely triangular; corolla 3−5 mm long .. Heterocodon rariflorum [pics]
3' Blades widely lanceolate to ovate or elliptic, 5−15(−30) mm long; sepals not leaflike, narrowly triangular; corolla 5−10 mm long .. Triodanis biflora [pics]
2' Flower terminal on a shoot, just above a leaflike bract and with an axillary shoot forming a sympodial stem; sepals spreading from top of ovary 4−8 mm; corolla lobes blue-lavender .. Githopsis diffusa [pics]
1' Flowers bilateral
3 Perennial herbs with rhizomes of shady canyons in wet substrate; flowers 18−20 mm long and tubular, 2-lipped, lavender-blue to violet corolla .. Lobelia dunnii var. serrata [pics]
3' Wispy annual on open ground; flowers several mm long with corolla tube to 1 mm long, 5-lobed, white with reddish purple veins .. Nemacladus ramosissimus [pics]
The text of the above keys used with permission from
A Naturalist's Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains and Simi Hills, California
© Copyright
Barry A. Prigge and Arthur C. Gibson